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Diversity and Inclusion
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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Expanding the engineering profession to all

At UCLA, diversity is an indispensable element of academic excellence. The UCLA Samueli School of Engineering is committed to an equitable, diverse and inclusive culture for its students, staff and faculty. For its commitment, UCLA Samueli has been recognized by the American Society for Engineering Education Diversity Recognition Program.

We strive to achieve a diverse student and faculty body, with programs designed to foster a nurturing learning environment that will complement a rigorous engineering education for anyone with the talent and the desire to succeed. A population rich in diversity expands the range of knowledge, experiences and viewpoints, leading to innovative new solutions that otherwise would not be possible.

Awareness to Action (A2A)

Awareness to Action, or A2A, is an engineering inclusion initiative created by the Women in Engineering (WE@UCLA ) team. This two-part, interactive, multimedia workshop offered as part of the school’s curriculum includes lecture, videos, small group exercises and role-play to demonstrate the need for inclusion in engineering and computer science, and to emphasize an engineer’s and computer scientist’s responsibility to society. Assessment data derived from the workshop show that participants gain a better understanding of the need for inclusion in engineering and computer science, and that they learn to practice courageous conversations and become more aware of some of the challenges faced by those who are underrepresented in engineering and computer science.

Over the next decade, we hope to double the percentage of underrepresented minorities and increase the percentage of women in both our student body and our faculty.


Mentor Professors

Building upon its commitment to foster an inclusive and more equitable environment and promote the success of underrepresented students, UCLA Samueli invites applications for multiple open rank tenure-track faculty positions in one or more of our departments: Bioengineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, as well as our newly affiliated department of Computational Medicine. Applicants must have a demonstrated record of, or show exceptional promise for, mentorship of students from underrepresented and underserved populations, research, teaching, and professional development. For the program launch and the recruitment of the first three faculty members in 2021, please read the announcement.


The Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, known as CEED, works with a community of partners to ensure equity and parity in the K-20 pathways that lead to engineering and computing degrees.

CEED offers many programs designed to create a community of collaborative and sustainable partnerships that increase academic opportunities for urban, disadvantaged and underrepresented students on the pre-college, undergraduate and graduate levels.

The center supports its students by providing academic support, scholarships, research experience, and professional and leadership development. On the pre-college level, the program partners with 22 middle and high schools in the greater Los Angeles area to offer academic support, exposure to the engineering and computer science role models and opportunities to learn more about engineering and computer science through hands-on projects, workshops and classes.

The UCLA Women in Engineering program, known as WE@UCLA, is an institutionalized student support program run by a full-time professional staff within the Dean’s office at UCLA Samueli. The mission is to enable the full participation, success and advancement of women in engineering and computer science. WE@UCLA does not require membership and is open to all UCLA Samueli students.
Clubs and Organizations
UCLA Samueli Departmental Faculty EDI Officers

Andrea Kasko

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Jane Chang
Carlos Morales-Guio

Civil and Environmental Engineering
Jennifer Jay

Computer Science
Yizhou Sun

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sergio Carbajo

Materials Science and Engineering
Ioanna Kakoulli 

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Veronica Santos

We would like to acknowledge our corporate partners whose support has enabled our various equity, diversity and inclusion efforts and progress.

Broadcom Software

Chevron Corporation

Cisco Systems, Inc.

DeepMind Technologies Ltd.

Genentech, Inc.

Global Semiconductor Alliance


Lockheed Martin Corporation


Northrop Grumman Corporation

PPG Industries, Inc.

Quinstar Technology Inc.

Raytheon Company

Southern California Edison

The Boeing Company

ViaSat, Inc.
