Engineering Alumni Association
Mission Statement: The UCLA Engineering Alumni Association shall support the growth and enhance the reputation of the School, foster relationships between the School, its alumni and the community, provide programs and activities, encourage philanthropic support to the School, and serve as representative of alumni interests before the School’s leadership.
Welcome to the UCLA Engineering Alumni Association (EAA)! The mission of the EAA is to create mutually beneficial lifelong relationships between the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science and its alumni. All alumni of UCLA Samueli are lifetime members of the Engineering Alumni Association. There are many ways that you can re-connect and be involved with UCLA Samueli and the UCLA campus at large. Below are just a few examples:
- Social Events and Networking – Throughout the year there are opportunities for our Bruin Engineers to connect at social and networking events. These events provide access to a network of professionals and likeminded Bruin Engineers. Be on the lookout for email event invitations, including the Bruin Engineers Reunion.
- Student Support – The EAA provides funding each year to a number of project-focused engineering student groups. An annual student project review takes place in the fall where students present their proposals in front of an alumni committee. Alumni can also participate in reviewing student scholarship applications, serving as an alumni mentor, or participating on a career panel.
- Outreach and Engagement – We are interested in developing new engagement and outreach opportunities for engineering alumni. Our regional networks allows us to connect with our over 42,000 alumni globally. We also connect with our newly admitted students during Engineering Open House to ensure that they feel welcomed into the Bruin Engineering family.
- Alumni Recognition – Acknowledging the professional accomplishments and contributions of our alumni is a highlight of the EAA’s work. The UCLA Samueli Awards Dinner highlights those alumni who have been selected by their peers along with outstanding students and faculty. As an alumnus you have the ability to nominate fellow alumni or yourself for an alumni award.
As you can see, through these offerings we hope to keep you connected to the Bruin Engineering family and part of a legacy of engineering excellence at UCLA! I hope to see you at a UCLA Samueli event in the near future.
Calvin Cam ’13, MBA ’23
President, UCLA Engineering Alumni Association
EAA Governing Board
Why Join
- Access a network of professionals and likeminded Bruins.
- Contribute to the growth and direction of the School’s future
- Reconnect and build relationships with faculty, staff and University leadership.
- Direct access to volunteer opportunities with students, resources and events
- Build transferable skills in leadership, communication, public relations and fundraising
- For more information, please contact us at uclaeaa@support.ucla.edu
Governing Board Members
Calvin Cam ’13, MBA ’23 – President
Christopher Mazmanian ’18 – Vice-President
Nirav Mehta ’16 – Secretary
Benjamin Baker ’10
Len Bonilla ’70, Honorary Member
Greg Caguimbal ’16, MS ’19
David Doami ’86
Yue Du ’10 – Co-chair, Student Group Projects Committee
Motz Feinberg ’90
Mark Ford ’82, MS ’88
Sherwin Goo ’87 – Co-chair, Industry Relations Committee, Honorary Member
William Goodin MS ’71, PhD ’75, ME ’82 – Chair, Membership and Nominating Committee, Honorary Member
Kari Graham ’11
Coretta Harris ’83 – Chair, Tri-Org Advisory Committee, Honorary Member
Sonia Hingorany ’08 – Chair, SWE Advisory Committee
Andrew Kan ’22
Joselito (Joey) Lao, MS ’18
Christopher Olsen ’91
Suraj Patel ’17
Audrey Pool O’Neal MS ’99, PhD ’14, Honorary Member
Van Schultz ’74, MS ’75, Honorary Member
Eddie Shek MS ’92, PhD ’97 – Immediate Past President
Marianne So, P.E. ’07, MBA ’17
Sohni Thakkar ’19
Edward Tsai ’02, MS ’04
Oshton Tsen ’18 – Co-chair, Industry Relations Committee
Past Presidents
2022-2024 Eddie Shek MS ’92, PhD ’97
2019-2022 Marianne So, P.E. ’07, MBA ’17
2016-2018 Eliza Shepard MS ’05, MBA ’10
2014-2016 John Cosgrove ME ’67
2012-2014 Leonard Bonilla ’70
2010-2012 Asad Madni ’69, MS ‘72
2008-2010 Coretta Harris ‘83
2006-2008 Asad Madni ’69, MS ‘72
2004-2006 Van Schultz ’74, MS ‘75
2002-2004 Robert Green ’72, JD ‘75
1998-2002 William Goodin MS ’71, PhD ’75, ME ’82
2024-25 Ex-Officio Members
Darnell Hunt – Interim Chancellor, UCLA
Ah-Hyung “Alissa” Park – Dean, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
Robert Candler– Associate Dean of Research and Physical Resources, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
Richard D. Wesel – Associate Dean of Student Affairs, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
Joseph Hwang – Co-President, Engineering Graduate Student Association of UCLA (eGSA)
Jamie Leonard – Co-President, Engineering Graduate Student Association of UCLA (eGSA)
Charmaine Tan – President, Engineering Society of UCLA (ESUC)
Alexandra Yang Jensen – President, Society of Women Engineers (SWE), UCLA Chapter
Brian Woo – Associate Director, Alumni Relations