Xiang Anthony Chen

Xiang Anthony Chen


6730A BH

Email: xac@ucla.edu
Phone: (310) 267-4786


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Anthony's research mission is to expand the interaction bandwidth between human and AI, specifically, enabling domain-specific users to comprehend and control AI with an eventual vision of human-AI collaboration. He received his Ph.D. in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in 2017 and was a recipient of the Hellman Fellowship, NSF CISE CRII Award and the Adobe Ph.D. Fellowship. Anthony’s work has won two best paper awards and two honorable mentioned in top-tier HCI conferences.
Human-computer interaction, sensing and interaction techniques, intelligent user interfaces, computational design and fabrication.
  • Yuan Liang, Hsuan-Wei Fan, Zhujun Fang, Leiying Miao, Wen Li, Xuan Zhang, Weibin Sun, Kun Wang, Lei He, Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen. OralCam: Enabling Self-Examination and Awareness of Oral Health Using a Smartphone Camera. Proc. ACM CHI 2020. Acceptance Rate: 24.3%. Best Paper Honorable Mention - top 5%.
  • Jun Gong, Zheer Xu, Qifan Guo, Teddy Seyed,Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen, Xiaojun Bi, Xing-Dong Yang. WrisText: One-handed Text Entry on Smartwatch using Wrist Gestures. Proc. ACM CHI 2018. Acceptance Rate: 25.7%. Best Paper Honorable Mention - top 5%.
  • Ken Hinckley, Michel Pahud, Hrvoje Benko, Pourang Irani, Marcel Gavriliu, François Guimbretière, Xiang ’Anthony’ Chen, Fabrice Matulic, William Buxton, Andrew Wilson. Sensing Techniques for Tablet+Stylus Interaction. Proc. ACM UIST 2014, 605-614. Acceptance Rate: 22.2%. Best Paper Award - top 1%.
  • Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen, Tovi Grossman, Daniel Wigdor, George Fitzmaurice. Duet: Exploring Joint Interactions on a Smart Phone and a Smart Watch. Acceptance Rate: 22.8%. Proc. ACM CHI 2014, 159-168. Best Paper Award - top 1%.
  • The Wall Street Journal, “Let’s Redesign the Laptop for a Work-From-Home Era”, March 2021
  • New Scientists. “Turn any object into a robot using this program and a 3D printer”
  • ACM TechNews. “Turn any object into a robot using this program and a 3D printer”
  • New Scientists. “3D print extra bits for old objects to help extend their life”
  • 09/2012 – 11/2017 Carnegie Mellon University Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction
  • 09/2010 – 06/2012 University of Calgary M.Sc. in Computer Science and Computational Media Design
  • 09/2006 – 06/2010 Zhejiang University B.Eng. in Computer Science (with Honors) Chu Kochen Honors College
  • 03/2010 – 08/2010 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Exchange student in Telecommunication Engineering E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación
  • 2020 Hellman Fellowship
  • 2020 CHI Best Paper Honorable Mentioned Award
  • 2018 National Science Foundation: Research Initiation Initiative Award
  • 2018 CHI Best Paper Honorable Mentioned Award
  • 2016 Adobe Research PhD Fellowship
  • 2015 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Finalist
  • 2014 UIST Best Paper Award
  • 2014 CHI Best Paper Award
  • 2014 CHI Best Talk Award
  • 2013 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Finalist
  • 2012 University of Calgary Department Research Award
  • 2010 Academic Project Scholarships in Madrid-Spain for Chinese Technical Students
  • 2009 Zhejiang University Academic Scholarship
  • 2009 Chinese University of Hong Kong Winter School Fellowship
  • 2007, 2008 University of Hong Kong Crimson Summer Exchange Co-Fellowship