Stephen Jacobsen
6288 Boelter Hall
Email: jacobsen@ee.ucla.eduPhone: (310) 825-9251
Mathematical programming with emphasis on non-convex difficult problems and the application of the latter to engineering and engineering/economic systems.
Selected Publications
- S.E. Jacobsen, "Production Correspondences", Econometrica, Vol. 38, No 5, pp. 754-771, September, 1970.
- S.E. Jacobsen, "On Shephard's Duality Theorem", Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 4, No 3, pp. 458-464, June 1972,
- S.E. Jacobsen, "On the Equivalence of Input and Output Market Marshallian Surplus Measures" The American Economic Review, pp. 423-428,June 1979.
- S.E. Jacobsen, S. Arunkumar, "Investment in Series and Parallel Systems to Maximize Expected Life", Management Science, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 1023-1028, May 1973.
- P.P. Bansal, S.E. Jacobsen, "Characterization of Local Solutions for a Class of Nonconvex Programs", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 549-564, May 1975.
- P.P. Bansal, S.E. Jacobsen, "An Algorithm for Optimizing Network Flow Capacity Under Economies of Scale", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 565-586, May 1975.
- M. Torabi, S.E. Jacobsen, "A Global Minimization Algorithm for a Class of One-Dimensional Functions", Journal of Mathematical Analysisand Applications, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 310-324, February 1978.
- R.J. Hillestad, S.E. Jacobsen, "Reverse Convex Programming", Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 6, pp. 63-78, 1980.
- R.J. Hillestad, S.E. Jacobsen, "Linear Programs with an Additional Reverse Convex Constraint", Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6, pp. 257-269, 1980.
- T.R. Gurlitz, S.E. Jacobsen, "On the Use of Cuts in Reverse ConvexPrograms", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 68, No.2, pp. 257-274, February 1991.
- M. Hamami, S.E. Jacobsen, "Exhaustive Nondegenerate Conical Processes for Concave Minimization on Convex Polytopes", Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 479-487, August 1988.
- S.E. Jacobsen, "Reverse Convex Optimization", C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (eds), Encyclopedia of Optimization, 2nd edition, pp. 3295-3300, 2008.
- S.E. Jacobsen, M. Torabi, P.P. Bansal, "Earthquake Damage Costs in the Design of Water Resource Systems", Water Resources Research, Vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 176-182, April 1974.
- James Brucker, S.E. Jacobsen, "Optimization in the Design of Fire Weather Monitoring Networks", Civil Engineering Systems, Vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 180-189, 1989.
- K. Girardini, S.E. Jacobsen, "Optimizatiion and Numerical Models of Silicon Solar Cells", Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 69-77, 1991.
- 1973, Distinguished Teacher Award, Eng. Graduate Student Assoc.
- 1971, Distinguished Teacher Award, Eng. Graduate Student Assoc.