Mona Jarrahi
Northrop Grumman Chair in Electrical Engineering
66-147E Engr. IV
Email: mjarrahi@ee.ucla.eduPhone: (310) 206-1371
Terahertz/millimeter-wave electronics and optoelectronics, microwave photonics, imaging and spectroscopy systems
- P. K. Lu, A. F. Olvera, D. Turan, T. S. Seifert, N. T. Yardimci, T. Kampfrath, S. Preu, M. Jarrahi, “Ultrafast carrier dynamics in terahertz photoconductors and photomixers: beyond short-carrier-lifetime semiconductors,” Nanophotonics, 11, 2661–2691, 2022
- P. K. Lu, X. Jiang, Y. Zhao, D. Turan, M. Jarrahi, “Bias-Free Terahertz Generation from a Silicon-Compatible Photoconductive Emitter Operating at Telecommunication Wavelengths,” Applied Physics Letters, 120, 261107, 2022
- B. Bai, Y. Luo, T. Gan, J. Hu, Y. Li, Y. Zhao, D. Mengu, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “To image, or not to image: Class-specific diffractive cameras with all-optical erasure of undesired objects,” eLight, 2, 14, 2022
- W. Wang, P. K. Lu, A. Vinod, D. Turan, J. McMillan, H. Liu, M. Yu, D. L. Kwong, M. Jarrahi, C. W. Wong, “Coherent terahertz synthesis with 2.8-octave tunability and sub-Hz linewidths through chip-scale photomixed microresonator optical parametric oscillation,” Nature Communications, 13, 5123, 2022
- Y. Luo, Y. Zhao, J. Li, E. Çetintaş, Y. Rivenson, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Computational Imaging Without a Computer: Seeing Through Random Diffusers at the Speed of Light,” eLight, 2, 4, 2022
- N. T. Yardimci, D. Turan, M. Jarrahi, “Efficient Photoconductive Terahertz Detection Realized by Plasmonic Nanocavities,” APL Photonics, 6, 080802, 2021
- D. Turan, P. K. Lu, N. T. Yardimci, Z. Liu, L. Luo, J.-M. Park, U. Nandi, J. Wang, S. Preu, M. Jarrahi, “Wavelength conversion through plasmon-coupled surface states,” Nature Communications, 12, 4641, 2021
- M. Veli, D. Mengua, N. T. Yardimci, Y. Luoa, J. Li, Y. Rivensona, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Terahertz Pulse Shaping Using Diffractive Surfaces,” Nature Communications, 12, 37, 2021
- J. Li, D. Mengu N. T. Yardimci, Y. Luo, X. Li, M. Veli, Y. Rivenson, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Spectrally encoded single-pixel machine vision using diffractive networks,” Science Advances, 7, eabd7690, 2021
- Y.-J. Lin, M. Jarrahi, “Heterodyne Terahertz Detection through Electronic and Optoelectronic Mixers,” Reports on Progress in Physics, 83, 066101, 2020
- Y. Luo, D. Mengu, N. T. Yardimci, Y. Rivenson, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “Design of Task-Specific Optical Systems Using Broadband Diffractive Neural Networks,” Light: Science & Applications, 8, 112, 2019
- N. Wang, S. Cakmakyapan, Y.-J. Lin, H. Javadi, M. Jarrahi, “Room-temperature heterodyne terahertz detection with quantum-level sensitivity,” Nature Astronomy, 3, 977–982, 2019
- H. Zhao, L. Wei, M. Jarrahi, G. Pottie, “Extending Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Indoor Wireless Channels from 350 GHz to 650 GHz,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 9, 243-252, 2019
- N. T. Yardimci, D. Turan, S. Cakmakyapan, M. Jarrahi, “High-Responsivity and Broadband Photoconductive Terahertz Detector Based on a Plasmonic Nanocavity,” Applied Physics Letters, 113, 251102, 2018
- N. T. Yardimci, M. Jarrahi, “Nanostructure-Enhanced Photoconductive Terahertz Emission and Detection,” Small, 14, 1802437, 2018
- X. Lin, Y. Rivenson, N. T. Yardimci, M. Veli, M. Jarrahi, A. Ozcan, “All-Optical Machine Learning Using Diffractive Deep Neural Networks,” Science, 361, 1004-1008, 2018
- S. Cakmakyapan, P. K. Lu, A. Navabi, M. Jarrahi, “Gold-Patched Graphene Nano-Stripes for High-Responsivity and Ultrafast Photodetection from Visible to Infrared Regimes,” Light: Science & Applications, 7, 20, 2018
- M. R. Hashemi, S. Cakmakyapan, M. Jarrahi, “Reconfigurable Metamaterials for Terahertz Wave Manipulation,” Reports on Progress in Physics, 80, 094501, 2017
- N. T. Yardimci, M. Jarrahi, “High Sensitivity Terahertz Detection through Plasmonic Nano-Antenna Arrays,” Scientific Reports, 7, 42667, 2017
- S.-W. Huang, J, Yang, S.-H. Yang, M. Yu, D.-L. Kwong, T. Zelevinsky, M. Jarrahi, C. W. Wong, “Globally Stable Microresonator Turing Pattern Formation for Coherent High-Power THz Radiation On-Chip,” Physical Review X, 7, 041002, 2017
- N. T. Yardimci, M. Jarrahi, “High power telecommunication-compatible photoconductive terahertz emitters based on plasmonic nano-antenna arrays,” Applied Physics Letters, 109, 191103, 2016
- M. R. M. Hashemi, S.-H. Yang, T. Wang, N. Sepúlveda, M. Jarrahi, “Electronically-Controlled Beam-steering through Vanadium Dioxide Metasurfaces,” Scientific Reports, 6, 35439, 2016
- S.-H. Yang, M. Jarrahi, “Frequency-Tunable Continuous-Wave Terahertz Sources based on GaAs Plasmonic Photomixers,” Applied Physics Letters, 107, 131111, 2015
- M. Jarrahi, “Advanced Photoconductive Terahertz Optoelectronics based on Nano-Antennas and Nano-Plasmonic Light Concentrators,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 5, 391-397, 2015
- N. T. Yardimci, S.-H. Yang, C. W. Berry, M. Jarrahi, “High Power Terahertz Generation Using Large Area Plasmonic Photoconductive Emitters,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 5, 223-229, 2015
- M. Unlu, M. R. Hashemi, C. W. Berry, S. Li, S.-H. Yang, M. Jarrahi, “Switchable scattering meta-surfaces for broadband terahertz modulation,” Scientific Reports, 4, 5708, 2014
- S.-H. Yang, M. R. Hashemi, C. W. Berry, M. Jarrahi, “7.5% Optical-to-Terahertz Conversion Efficiency Offered by Photoconductive Emitters with Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Contact Electrodes,” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 4, 575 - 581, 2014
- C. W. Berry, M. R. Hashemi, S. Preu, H. Lu, A. C. Gossard, M. Jarrahi, “High Power Terahertz Generation Using 1550 nm Plasmonic Photomixers,” Applied Physics Letters, 105, 011121, 2014
- C. W. Berry, M. R. Hashemi, M. Jarrahi, “Generation of High Power Pulsed Terahertz Radiation using a Plasmonic Photoconductive Emitter Array with Logarithmic Spiral Antennas,” Applied Physics Letters, 104, 081122, 2014
- C. W. Berry, N. Wang, M. R. Hashemi, M. Unlu, M. Jarrahi “Significant Performance Enhancement in Photoconductive Terahertz Optoelectronics by Incorporating Plasmonic Contact Electrodes,” Nature Communications, 4, 1622, 2013
- C. W. Berry, M. Jarrahi, “Terahertz generation using plasmonic photoconductive gratings,” New Journal of Physics, 14, 105029, 2012
- Laser Focus World | Terahertz Focal-Plane Array Enables Real-Time, Super-Resolution Imaging, January 2024
- Phys.org: High-throughput terahertz imaging: Progress and challenges, October 2023
- UCLA Newsroom: Novel Privacy-Preserving Camera Captures Only Objects of Interest at Speed of Light (08/25/2022)
- TechXplore: AI-designed camera only records objects of interest while being blind to others (08/15/2022)
- Photonics.com: Advances in Terahertz Optoelectronics (03/29/2022)
- Photonics.com: Semiconductor Surface States Enhance Wavelength Conversion (08/03/2021)
- Machine Design: Converting Light from One Wavelength to Another (08/02/2021)
- Azo Optics: New Method for Efficient Conversion of Light from One Wavelength to Another (08/02/2021)
- Science Daily: Engineers bend light to enhance wavelength conversion (07/30/2021)
- UCLA Newsroom: UCLA Engineers Bend Light to Enhance Wavelength Conversion (07/30/2021)
- Photonics.com: Single-Pixel Detector Classifies Images Using Diffractive Optical Network (04/08/2021)
- UCLA Newsroom: UCLA Researchers Develop Machine-Vision System Enabling Object Classification via Single-Pixel Detector (04/08/2021)
- Phys.org: Object classification through a single-pixel detector (03/29/2021)
- Biophotonics World: Object classification through a single-pixel detector (03/26/2021)
- Optics and Photonics News: Shaping Light Pulses with Deep Learning (02/11/2021)
- UCLA Newsroom: UCLA Engineers Shape Terahertz Pulses Using Diffractive Layers Designed by AI (01/14/2021)
- Photonics.com: Deep Learning-Designed Network Shapes Light Pulse (01/08/2021)
- Phys.org: Optical network shapes pulses of light (01/07/2021)
- UCLA Newsroom: New optical system could lead to devices that can recognize objects instantly (03/04/2020)
- Phys.org: All-optical diffractive neural networks process broadband light (12/02/2019)
- AzoOptics: Researchers Expand All-Optical Computation Framework (12/05/2019)
- Photonics Spectra Magazine: From IR to THz, Space Telescopes Get Detector Array Upgrades (November 2019)
- Daily Bruin: Researchers develop device that can detect terahertz frequencies in deep space (08/11/2019)
- Laser Focus World: UCLA-developed terahertz sensors work at room temperature (07/22/2019)
- OSA Optics and Photonics News: Taking the Chill Off of Terahertz (07/12/2019)
- Science Daily: New terahertz sensors work at room temperature, unlike current technology (07/10/2019)
- UCLA Newsroom: Light-sensing system could show distant galaxies in unprecedented detail (07/08/2019)
- UCLA Newsroom: UCLA engineers develop artificial intelligence device that identifies objects at the speed of light (08/02/2018)
- Discover Magazine: This AI Calculates at the Speed of Light (07/26/2018)
- The Scientist: AI Object Recognition System Operates at Speed of Light (07/26/2018)
- TechCrunch: This 3D-printed AI construct analyzes by bending light (07/26/2018)
- Photonics.com: Graphene Photodetector Demonstrates Speed, High Responsivity (07/05/2018)
- Laser Focus World: Graphene photodetector has 50 GHz speed and 0.6 to 20 micron spectral range (06/28/2018)
- UCLA Newsroom: New photodetector could improve night vision, thermal sensing and medical imaging (06/27/18)
- UCLA Newsroom: UCLA engineers develop high-performance terahertz detectors (02/21/2017)
- SPIE Newsroom: Development of terahertz devices opens doors for numerous applications (01/12/2017)
- Huffington Post: Mona Jarrahi: A World Leader in Terahertz Applications (12/08/2016)
- IEEE Spectrum: Gordon Moore's Foundation Funds First of 50 Fellows in $34 Million Plan (11/02/2016)
- UCLA Newsroom: New metamaterial paves way for terahertz technologies (10/21/2016)
- Daily Bruin: Researchers strive to channel the strength of terahertz waves (10/13/2016)
- SPIE Newsroom: A compact terahertz radiation source using a bimodal laser and plasmonic photomixer (04/19/2016)
- Laser Focus World: Plasmonic photomixer offers high power terahertz radiation at room temperature (11/04/2014)
- SPIE Newsroom: Fully Integrated Broadband Terahertz Modulators (11/19/2014)
- EE Times: MEMS array forms terahertz modulator (7/21/2014)
- AZoNano: Breakthrough Terahertz Modulator Holds Promise for Advanced Medical and Security Imaging Systems (7/17/2014)
- UCLA Newsroom: New terahertz modulator could lead to more advanced medical and security imaging (7/16/2014)
- BioOptics World: Powerful laser-based terahertz system promises unprecedented depth for tissue imaging (5/1/2013)
- Popular Mechanics: Novel Powerful Terahertz Imaging System is Better than X-Ray (4/30/2013)
- Science 360: Better than X-Rays: A More Powerful Terahertz Imaging System (3/29/2013)
- National Science Foundation: Better than X-Rays: A More Powerful Terahertz Imaging System (3/27/2013)
- University of Michigan News Service: Better than X-Rays: A More Powerful Terahertz Imaging System (3/27/2013)
- Photonics Spectra Magazine: Optical resonator builds better UV beam (2/1/2012)
- Optics & Photonics News Magazine: Ultrafast Optical-Pump Terahertz-Probe Measurements at the Nanoscale (12/1/ 2011)
- Photonics.com: Smarter Way to Make UV Beams (11/30/11)
- Laser Focus World: Whispering-gallery resonator generates CW fourth-harmonic UV light (11/30/11)
- University of Michigan News Service: A smarter way to make ultraviolet light beams (11/29/11)
- 2022, Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS)
- 2022, Northrop Grumman Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 2022, International Microwave Symposium Best Student Paper Award (2nd place)
- 2022, SPIE Harold E. Edgerton Award in High-Speed Optics
- 2021, IET A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize
- 2021, UCLA Faculty Innovation Fellow
- 2020, Catalyzing Pediatric Innovation Award
- 2020, Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IOP)
- 2019, Burroughs Wellcome Fund?s Innovations in Regulatory Science Award
- 2019, Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- 2018, Fellow of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
- 2018, UCLA Biomedical Innovation Fund
- 2018, Sharif University of Technology Alumni Achievement Award
- 2017, Fellow of the Optical Society (Optica)
- 2017, Okawa Foundation Research Award
- 2017, UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science Watanabe Excellence in Research Award
- 2016, Moore Inventor Fellowship
- 2016, Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award
- 2016, Sharif University of Technology Distinguished Alumni Award
- 2015, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award
- 2015, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award
- 2015, International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves Best Student Paper Award (3rd place)
- 2015, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Distinguished Lecturer
- 2014, Kavli Fellowship by the National Academy of Sciences
- 2014, Booker Fellowship from the International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
- 2014, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Early Career Award in Nanotechnology
- 2014, IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society (MTT-S) Outstanding Young Engineer Award
- 2014, Senior Member of Optical Society (Optica)
- 2013, Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
- 2013, International Microwave Symposium Best Student Paper Award (3rd place)
- 2013, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Best Student Paper Award (2nd place)
- 2013, National Academy of Engineering, The Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Award
- 2013, Senior Member of International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
- 2012, Army Research Office (ARO) Young Investigator Award
- 2012, National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Frontiers of Engineering
- 2012, Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award
- 2012, Elizabeth Crosby Research Award, University of Michigan
- 2012, Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- 2011, National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Award
- 2010, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award
- 2008, Best paper award, Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center Industry Advisory Board
- 2008, International Microwave Symposium Best Student Paper Award (3rd place)
- 2007, International Microwave Symposium Best Student Paper Award (1st place)
- 2005, Photonic Technology Access Program Research Award
- Fellow, American Physical Society (APS), 2022
- Fellow, Institute of Physics (IOP), 2020
- Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019
- Fellow, International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2018
- Fellow, Optical Society (OPTICA), 2017
- Honorary Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), 2017