Miryung Kim

Miryung Kim


Engineering VI - Room 474

Email: miryung@cs.ucla.edu
Phone: (310) 825-2858
Fax: (310) 794-5057


  • Software engineering for data analytics (SE4DA)
  • Debugging, testing, and optimization for big data systems
  • Software engineering for AI/ML based systems
  • Studies of professional data scientists
  • Prete, K., Rachatasumrit, N., Sudan N., Kim, M., “Template-Based Reconstruction of Complex Refactorings,” The 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, Most Influential Paper Award from ICSME '10, 10 year retrospective award based on impact and citations.
  • Duley, A., Spandikow, C., Kim, M., “A Program Differencing Algorithm for Verilog HDL,” The 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pages 477-486, ASE '10, ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.
  • Kim, M., Cai, D., Kim, S., “An Empirical Investigation into the Role of API-Refactorings during Software Evolution,” The 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 151-160, ICSE '11, Nominated for an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.
  • Kim, M., Sazawal, V., Notkin, D., Murphy, G., “An Empirical Study of Code Clone Genealogies,” The 10th European Software Engineering Conference held jointly with the 13th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE '05, pages 187-196, Nominated for ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.
  • Kim, M., Zimmermann, T., DeLine, R., and Begel A., “Data Scientists in Software Teams: State of the Art and Challenges,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 44(11): 1024-1038 (2018).
  • Kim, M., Zimmermann, T., Nagappan N., “A Field Study of Refactoring Challenges and Benefits,” ACM SIGSOFT the 20th International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, FSE '12, 11 pages.
  • Zhang, Q., Wang, J., Gulzar M.A., Radhye, R., Kim, M., "BigFuzz: Efficient Fuzz Testing for Data Analytics using Framework Abstraction," The 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 12 pages, ASE '20.
  • Gulzar, M.A., Mardani, S., Musuvathi, M., Kim, M., "White-Box Testing of Big Data Analytics with Complex User-Defined Functions," The 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 290-301, ESEC/FSE '19.
  • Gulzar, M.A., Interlandi, M., Han, X., Li, M., Condie, T., Kim, M., “Automated Debugging in Data-Intensive Scalable Computing,” Proceedings of 2017 Symposium on Cloud Computing, ACM, 520-534, SoCC '17.
  • Gulzar, M.A., Interlandi, M., Yoo, S., Tetali, S.D., Condie, T., Millstein, T., Kim, M., “BigDebug: Debugging Primitives for Interactive Big Data Processing in Spark,” Proceedings of 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 784-795, ICSE '16.
  • PhD (2008) University of Washington
  • MS (2003) University of Washington
  • ICSME Most Influential Paper Award, 2023
  • Distinguished Lecture at Carnegie Mellon University, 2023
  • ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award, 2022
  • Distinguished Lecture at UIUC, 2021
  • ACM Distinguished Member
  • Program Co-Chair, ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022)
  • Keynote at ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2022)
  • Keynote at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2019)
  • Program Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2019)
  • Tenure track faculty placement: Columbia University (Ray), Purdue University (Zhang), Virginia Tech (Meng), Virginia Tech (Gulzar), University of California, Riverside (Zhang), University of Nebraska (Song).
  • Humboldt Fellow
  • Robert M. Stevenson Faculty in Residence Award
  • Okawa Foundation Award
  • NSF CAREER Award
  • Google Faculty Award
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering