Keith Stolzenbach
5731 Boelter Hall
Email: stolzenb@seas.ucla.eduPhone: (310) 821-2471
Fax: (310) 206-2222
My research investigates how water movement in natural water bodies affects the fate and transport of pollutants and natural substances. I am particularly interested in the interaction between fluid motion and chemical and biological processes.My current research is focused on coastal water quality issues. Shipboard, satellite, and fixed mooring measurements in the Southern California Bight and Santa Monica Bay are integrated with high-resolution three-dimensional numerical model simulations to better understand coastal circulation patterns and the dynamics of coastal plankton populations. Fundamental studies of fine particle behavior in porous aggregates and deposited sediments contribute to the understanding of the fate of particle-associated contaminants. Measurements and modeling of atmospheric deposition quantifies the effect of this non-point source on urban runoff water quality.
- Lu, R., R.P. Turco, K. Stolzenbach, S.K. Friedlander, C. Xiong, K, Schiff, L. Tiefenthaller. “Dry Deposition of Airborne Trace Metals on the Los Angeles Basin and Adjacent Coastal Waters,” Journal of Geophysical Research, in press.
- Kim, A.S., and K.D. Stolzenbach. “The Permeability of Synthetic Fractal Aggregates with Realistic Three-Dimensional Structure,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, in press.
- Stolzenbach, K.D., and J.C. McWilliams. “Coastal Water Quality,” in the Southern California Environmental Report Card, Institute of the Environment, University of California, Los Angeles, August 2000.
- Stolzenbach, K.D., and E.E. Adams. Contaminated Sediments in Boston Harbor. MIT Sea Grant College Program. 1998.
- Mazzolani, G., K. D. Stolzenbach, and M. Elimelech. “Gravity-induced Coagulation of Spherical Particles of Different Size and Density.” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 197:334-347. 1998.
- Adams. E.E., K.D. Stolzenbach, J-J Lee, J. Caroli, and D. Funk. “Deposition of Contaminated Sediments in Boston Harbor Studied Using Fluorescent Dye and Particle Tracers.” Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science 46:371-382. 1998.
- Newman. K.A., and K. D. Stolzenbach. “Kinetics of Aggregation and Disaggregation of Titanium Dioxide Particles and Glass Beads in a Sheared Fluid Suspension.” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical and Engineering Aspects, 107:189-203, 1996.
- Richardson, L. L., and K. D. Stolzenbach. “Phytoplankton Cell Size and the Development of Microenvironments.” FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 16(3):185-191, 1995.
- Stolzenbach, K. D., and M. Elimelech. “The Effect of Particle Density on Collisions Between Sinking Particles: Implications for Particle Aggregation in the Ocean.” Deep-Sea Research I 41:469-483, 1994.
- Bowen, J. D., K. D. Stolzenbach, and S. W. Chisholm. “Simulating Bacterial Clustering around Phytoplankton Cells in a Turbulent Ocean.” Limnology and Oceanography 38(1):36-51. 1993.
- Stolzenbach, K. D. “Scavenging of Small Particles by Fast-Sinking Porous Aggregates.” Deep-Sea Research I 40:359-369. 1993.
- Stolzenbach, K. D., K. N. Newman, and C. Wang. “Aggregation of Fine Particles at the Sediment-Water Interface.” Journal of Geophysical Research 97:17889-17898. 1992.
- Bowen, J., and K. D. Stolzenbach. “The Concentration Distribution near a Continuous Point Source in Steady Homogeneous Shear.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 236:95-110. 1992.
- Little, S. A., and K. D. Stolzenbach. “The Sound Field Near Hydrothermal Vents on Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge.” Journal of Geophysical Research 95(B8):12927-12945. 1990.
- Nuttle, W. K., H. F. Hemond, K. D. Stolzenbach. “Mechanisms of Water Storage in Salt Marsh Sediments: The Importance of Dilation.” Hydrological Processes 4:1-13. 1990.
- Newman, K. A., S. L. Frankel, and K. D. Stolzenbach. “Flow Cytometric Detection and Sizing of Fluorescent Tracer Particles Deposited at a Sewage Outfall Site.” Environmental Science and Technology 24(4):513-519. 1990.
- Newman, K. A., F. M. M. Morel, and K. D. Stolzenbach. “Settling and Coagulation Characteristics of Fluorescent Tracer Particles Determined by Flow Cytometry and Fluorometry.” Environmental Science and Technology 24(4):506-513. 1990.
- Stolzenbach, K. D. “Particle Transport and Attachment.” In Structure and Function of Biofilms, W.G. Characklis and P.A. Wilderer, eds., pp 33-47. J. Wiley and Sons. 1989.
- Little, S. A., K. D. Stolzenbach, and F. J. Grassle. “Tidal Current Effects on Temperature in Diffuse Hydrothermal Flow: Guamas Basin.” Geophysical Research Letters 15(13):1491-1494. 1989.
- Westerink, J. J., K. D. Stolzenbach, and J. J. Connor. “General Spectral Computation of the Non-linear Shallow Water Tidal Interactions within the Bight of Abaca.” Journal of Physical Oceanography 19(9):1348-1371. 1989.
- Westerink, J. J., J. J. Connor, K. D. Stolzenbach. “A Frequency-Time Domain Finite Element Model for Tidal Circulation Based on the Least Squares Harmonic Analysis Method.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 8:813-843. 1988.
- Westerink, J. J., J. J. Connor, and K. D. Stolzenbach. “A Primitive Pseudo Wave Equation Formulation for Solving the Harmonic Shallow Water Equation.” Advances in Water Resources 10:188-199. 1987.
- Little, S., K. D. Stolzenbach, and R. P. Von Herzen. “Measurements of Plume Flow from a Hydrothermal Vent Field.” Journal of Geophysical Research 92(B3):2587-2596. 1987.
- Butman, C. A., W. D. Grant, and K. D. Stolzenbach. “Prediction of Sediment Trap Biases in Turbulent Flows: A Theoretical Analysis Based on Observations from the Literature.” Journal of Marine Research 44:601-644. 1986.
- Garcon, V. C., K. D. Stolzenbach, and D. M. Anderson. “Tidal Flushing of an Estuarine Embayment Subject to Recurrent Dinoflagellate Blooms.” Estuaries 9(3):179-187. 1986.
- Anderson, D. M., and K. D. Stolzenbach. “Selective Retention of Two Dinoflagellates in a Well-Mixed Estuarine Embayment: The Importance of Diel Migration and Surface Avoidance.” Marine Ecology-Progress Series 25:39-50. 1985.
- Hemond, H. F., W. K. Nuttle, R. W. Burke, and K. D. Stolzenbach. “Surface Infiltration in Salt Marshes: Theory Measurement, and Biogeochemical Implications.” Water Resources Research 20(5):591-600. 1984.
- Ph.D., (1971), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- M.S., (1968) , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- B.S., (1966) , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- American Society of Civil Engineers – Stevens Award, 1973
- American Society of Civil Engineers – Huber Research Award, 1979
- Effective Teaching Award – Dept. of Civil Engineering, M.I.T., 1979, 1988
- Graduate Student Council Teaching Awards, M.I.T., 1980
- UCLA ASCE Student Chapter Outstanding Professor Award, 1996, 1998
- UCLA Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award, 2005