Kai-Wei Chang
Engr VI 374
Email: kwchang@cs.ucla.eduPhone: (310) 206-4395
Fax: (310) 794-5056
I am an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering. My research goal is to build intelligence systems that solve real-world problems by automatically acquiring knowledge. This challenging goal involves two fundamental components: A machine learning component that can efficiently make coherent decisions for problems with complex structures, and a natural language understanding component that enables the system to extract knowledge from unstructured text. I have been published broadly in machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and data mining.
- Statistical approaches to natural language processing
- Tractable machine learning methods for complex and big data
- Google Scholar Profile.
- A complete list of publications is in my CV.
- Bibtex
- Researchers from UCLA and Apple Introduce STIV: A Scalable AI Framework for Text and Image Conditioned Video Generation | Marktechpost, December 2024
- AAAI: Prompt engineering and reasoning in the spotlight | Amazon Science, February 2023
- No quick fix: How OpenAI's DALL·E 2 illustrated the challenges of bias in AI | NBC News, July 2022
- No quick fix: How OpenAI's DALL·E 2 illustrated the challenges of bias in AI | Yahoo! News, July 2022
- Taiwan-born UCLA professor awarded 2021 Sloan Research Fellowship | Focus Taiwan, February 2021
- Four UCLA faculty members awarded 2021 Sloan Research Fellowships | UCLA Newsroom, February 2021
- Sloan Research Fellows For 2021 Announced | Forbes, February 2021
Experience and Education (Curriculum Vitae)
- Assistant Professor, the Computer Science Department at the UCLA 2017-
- Assistant Professor, the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia 2016-2017
- Post-doc, Microsoft Research New England 2015-2016
- Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2010--2015
- M.S. (Computer Science), National Taiwan University, 2007--2009
- B.S. (Computer Science), B.S. (Electrical Engineering), National Taiwan University, 2003--2007
- Summer intern, Microsoft Research New York (2014), Microsoft Research Redmond (ML group, 2013), Microsoft Cloud and Information Services Lab (2012), Google Taiwan (2008)
- Google Research Scholar Award, 2021
- EMNLP Best Long Paper Award, 2017
- C.L and Jane W. S. Liu Award, University of Illinois, 2013
- Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Program Award, 2010
- KDD Best Paper Award, 2010
- Facebook Research Award on Computationally Efficient NLP, 2019
- Amazon Research Award, 2020
- Sloan Fellowship Member, 2021
CS 146 Introduction to Machine Learning