Chee Wei Wong
Carol and Lawrence E. Tannas, Jr. Endowed Term Chair in Engineering
56-147D Engr. IV
Email: cheewei.wong@ucla.eduPhone: (310) 825-6115
Nonlinear optics, quantum optics, ultrafast optics, precision measurements
- P. Hsieh, C. Chung, J. F. McMillan, M. Tsai, M. Lu, N. C. Panoiu, and C. W. Wong, “Photon transport enhanced by transverse Anderson localization in disordered superlattices,” Nature Physics 11, 268 (2015)
- S.-W. Huang, J. F. McMillan, J. Yang, A. Matsko, H. Zhou, M. Yu, D.-L. Kwong, L. Maleki, and C. W. Wong, “Mode-locking ultrashort pulse generation from on-chip normal dispersion microresonators,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 053901 (2015)
- X. Luan, Y. Huang, Y. Li, J. F. McMillan, J. Zheng, S.-W. Huang, P.-C. Hsieh, T. Gu, D. Wang, A. Hati, D. A. Howe, G. Wen, M. Yu, G. Lo, D.-L. Kwong, and C. W. Wong, “An integrated low phase noise radiation-pressure-driven optomechanical oscillator chipset,” Nature Scientific Reports 4, 6842 (2014)
- Y.-C. Liu, X. Luan, Y.-F. Xiao, and C. W. Wong, “Dynamic dissipative cooling of a mechanical resonator in strong-coupling optomechanics,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 153606 (2013)
- I. Sarpkaya, Z. Zhang, W. Walden-Newman, X. Wang, J. Hone, C. W. Wong, and S. Strauf, “Prolonged spontaneous emission and dephasing of localized excitons in air-bridged carbon nanotubes,” Nature Communications 4, 2152 (2013)
- T. Gu, N. Petrone, J. F. McMillan, A. van der Zande, M. Yu, G. Q. Lo, D. L. Kwong, J. Hone, and C. W. Wong, “Regenerative oscillation and four-wave mixing in graphene optoelectronics,” Nature Photonics 6, 554 (2012)
- S. Kocaman, M.S. Aras, P. Hsieh, J. F. McMillan, C. G. Biris, N. C. Panoiu, M. B. Yu, D. L. Kwong, A. Stein, and C. W. Wong, “Zero phase delay in negative-index photonic crystal superlattices,” Nature Photonics 5, 499 (2011)
- P. Colman, C. Husko, S. Combrie, I. Sagnes, C. W. Wong, and A. De Rossi, “Temporal solitons and pulse compression in photonic crystal waveguides,” Nature Photonics 4, 862 (2010)
- J. Y. Lee, B. H. Hong, W. Y. Kim, S. K. Min, Y. Kim, M. V. Jouravlev, R. Bose, K. S. Kim, I.-C. Hwang, L. J. Kaufman, C. W. Wong, P. Kim, and K. S. Kim, “Near-field focusing and magnification through self-assembled nanoscale spherical lenses,” Nature 460, 498 (2009)
- X. Yang, M. Yu, D.-L. Kwong, and C. W. Wong, “All-optical analogue to electromagnetically induced transparency in multiple coupled photonic crystal cavities,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 173902 (2009).
- 2019, UCLA Innovation Fund Award
- 2018, National Institutes of Health Early Scientist Trailblazer Award
- 2018, Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- 2018, Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics
- 2017, Visiting Professorship, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2016, Google Faculty Research Award
- 2014, Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- 2013, Fellow of the Optical Society of America
- 2009, 3M Faculty Award
- 2008, NSF CAREER Award
- 2008, Photonic Technology Access Program Research Award
- 2007, DARPA Young Faculty Award
- 2002, National Science International Fellowship Award (Singapore)