Blaise-Pascal Tine
Engineering VI - Room 499
Email: blaisetine@cs.ucla.eduPhone: (424) 259-5298
Fax: (310) 794-5056
I am a Professor in Computer Science Department at University of California, Los Angeles. I am a recent PhD Student graduate in the school of Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology. My research interests are in the area of hardware accelerators and software co-design, focusing in the architecture design, programming languages and compiler tools to support heterogenous computing. I’m also interested in domain-specific applications of accelerators such as 3D graphics, graphs analytics, and machine learning.
- Systems, compilers and hardware support for heterogeneous architectures
- Reconfigurable and hybrid architectures for high performance computing using FPGAs
- Software-hardware codesign of custom accelerators in Graph Analytics, Relational Databases and Machine Learning
- Novel architectures for low-power graphics accelerator in AR and VR domains
- High-bandwidth memory architectures and applications in high performance computing
- Skybox: Open-Source Graphic Rendering on Programmable RISC-V GPUs Authors: Blaise Tine, Varun Saxena, Santosh Srivatsan, Joshua R. Simpson, Fadi Alzammar, Liam Paul Cooper, Sam Jijina, Swetha Rajagoplan, Tejaswini Anand Kumar, Jeff Young, Hyesoon Kim Published in 28th Annual ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2023 Recommended citation: Blaise Tine, Varun Saxena, Santosh Srivatsan, Joshua R. Simpson, Fadi Alzammar, Liam Paul Cooper, Sam Jijina, Swetha Rajagoplan, Tejaswini Anand Kumar, Jeff Young, Hyesoon Kim. Skybox: Open-Source Graphic Rendering on Programmable RISC-V GPUs. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
- Accelerating Graphic Rendering on Programmable RISC-V GPUs (POSTER) Authors: Blaise Tine, Varun Saxena, Santosh Srivatsan, Joshua R. Simpson, Fadi Alzammar, Liam Paul Cooper, Sam Jijina, Swetha Rajagoplan, Tejaswini Anand Kumar, Jeff Young, Hyesoon Kim Published in IEEE Hot Chips 34 Symposium (HCS), 2022 Recommended citation: Blaise Tine, Varun Saxena, Santosh Srivatsan, Joshua R. Simpson, Fadi Alzammar, Liam Paul Cooper, Sam Jijina, Swetha Rajagoplan, Tejaswini Anand Kumar, Jeff Young, Hyesoon Kim. Accelerating Graphic Rendering on Programmable RISC-V GPUs (POSTER). In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Hot Chips 34 Symposium (HCS)
- Implementing Hardware Extensions for Multicore RISC-V GPUs Authors: Tine Blaise, Hyesoon Kim Published in 6th Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V (CARRV), 2022 Recommended citation: Tine Blaise, Hyesoon Kim. Implementing Hardware Extensions for Multicore RISC-V GPUs. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Architecture Research with RISC-V (CARRV 2022).
- The Tip of Iceberg in Open-Source Hardware GPU Authors: Blaise Tine, Ruobing Han and Hyesoon Kim. Published in Workshop on Open-Source Computer Architecture Research (OSCAR), 2022 Recommended citation: Blaise Tine, Ruobing Han and Hyesoon Kim. The Tip of Iceberg in Open-Source Hardware GPU. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Open-Source Computer Architecture Research (OSCAR 2022).
- Vortex: Extending the RISC-V ISA for GPGPU and 3D-Graphics Authors: Blaise Tine, Krishna Praveen Yalamarthy, Fares Elsabbagh, Kim Hyesoon Published in 54th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2021 Recommended citation: Blaise Tine, Krishna Praveen Yalamarthy, Fares Elsabbagh, and Kim Hyesoon, 'Vortex: Extending the RISC-V ISA for GPGPU and 3D-Graphics,' in MICRO-54: 54th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 754–766.
PhD (2019) Georgia Institute of Technology - Computer Science