Aydogan Ozcan
Volgenau Chair for Engineering Innovation
HHMI Professor
68-119 Engr. IV
Email: ozcan@ee.ucla.eduPhone: (310) 825-0915
- Deep Learning Optics and Optical Computing
- Computational Imaging and Microscopy
- Bio-sensing and Mobile Health
- Chemical & Engineering News | Can Researchers Use AI to Take Microscopy to the Next Level?, October 2024
- Phys.org | Paper-Based Sensor Offers Rapid Cardiac Diagnostics in 15 Minutes, October 2024
- SPIE | AI and Photonics: United by Necessity, September 2024
- Science and Tech Post | New Method for 3D Quantitative Phase Imaging Eliminates Need for Digital Phase Recovery Algorithms, July 2024
- Physics World | New Diffractive Camera Hides Images from View, July 2024
- SPIE I AI-Enhanced Processing Promises Boost for Biomedical Imaging, June 2024
- Nature | AI’s Keen Diagnostic Eye, April 2024
- Laser Focus World | Terahertz Focal-Plane Array Enables Real-Time, Super-Resolution Imaging, January 2024
- Advanced Science News | How Label-Free, Super-Resolution Imaging Will Push Microscopy’s Limits, November 2023
- Phys.org | High-throughput terahertz imaging: Progress and challenges, October 2023
- SPIE | High-fidelity transmission of information via novel electronic-optical system, August 2023
- Photonics.com | Paper-based Test Scans for Multiple Biomarkers, May 2023
- SPIE | Deep learning: A Powerful Tool for Biophotonics in Labs and Clinics, March 2023
- IEEE Spectrum | Optical AI Could Feed Voracious Data Needs, January 2023
- Phys.org | Deep learning-designed diffractice processor computes hundreds of transformations in parallel, January 2023
- TechXplore | AI-designed Structured Material Creates Super-resolution Images Using a Low-resolution Display, December 2022
- Nature | Five Ways Deep Learning Has Transformed Image Analysis, September 2022
- KCBS Radio | UCLA's 'Ultra Secure' AI Camera Only Records What It's Programmed for, September 2022
- Phys.org | Chemical-free Re-staining of Tissue Using Deep Learning, August 2022
- New Scientist | AI-created Lenses Let Camera Ignore Some Objects When Taking Pictures, August 2022
- Space Ref | NASA Engineer’s Quantum Dot Instrument Enables Spacecraft-as-Sensor Concept, August 2022
- Yahoo Finanças | Smart, 3D-printed Camera Can Record Only What Matters, August 2022
- New Scientist | AI-created Lenses Let Camera Ignore Some Objects When Taking Pictures, August 2022
- Tech and Science Post | Superior Phase Recovery and Hologram Reconstruction Using a Deep Neural Network, August 2022
- AZO Optics | Smart Camera Records Desired Objects While Erasing Others, August 2022
- News8Plus | Superior Phase Recovery and Hologram Reconstruction Using a Deep Neural Network, August 2022
- Tech Xplore | Superior Phase Recovery and Hologram Reconstruction Using a Deep Neural Network, August 2022
- Inverse | This High-Tech Camera May Help Protect Our Identities — Here's How it Works, August 2022
- News Azi | AI-designed Camera Only Records Objects of Interest While Being Blind to Others, August 2022
- News Update (UK) | Deep Learning Accelerates The Detection Of Live Bacteria Using Thin-Film Transistor Arrays, July 2022
- Tech Xplore | Deep Learning Accelerates the Detection of Live Bacteria Using Thin-film Transistor Arrays, 7/2022
- News8 Plus | Deep Learning Accelerates the Detection of Live Bacteria Using Thin-film Transistor Arrays, 7/2022
- Phys Org, All-optical computation of a group of transformations using a polarization-encoded diffractive network, 5/2022
- SPIE, Next-gen imaging takes pictures that speak a million pixels, 3/2022
- Science X, Aydogan Ozcan receives the 2022 Joseph Fraunhofer Award and Robert M. Burley Prize, 3/2022
- Photonics.com, Histology Process Bypasses Need for Biopsies, Enables Diagnoses, 11/2021
- Daily Bruin, Researchers at UCLA Develop Computer-Free Technology for Deciphering Holograms, 11/2021
- Healthcare-in-europe.com, ‘Virtual histology’ may reduce need for skin biopsies, 11/2021
- Optics.org, UCLA deep-learning reduces need for invasive biopsies, 11/2021
- Science Daily, New imaging technology may reduce need for skin biopsies, 11/2021
- Becker's Hospital Review, UCLA hopes to usher in digital dermatology with new AI application, 11/2021
- Physics World, All-optical processors could compute any linear transformation, machine learning reveals, 10/2021
- Phys Org, Light computes any desired linear transform without a digital processor, 9/2021
- Florida News Times, Light computes any linear transformation without a digital processor, 9/2021
- AI in Healthcare, AI enables much faster pathology for life-or-death interventions, 8/2021
- Phys Org, Deep learning improves image reconstruction in optical coherence tomography using less data, 7/2021
- Phys Org, Rapid measurement of aerosol volatility using a deep learning-based portable microscope, 6/2021
- Wired, “This Chip for AI Works Usig Light, Not Electrons,” 3/2021
- Laser Focus World, “Deep learning enables single-shot autofocus in microscopy applications,” 2/2021
- OSA Optics & Photonics News (OPN), “Shaping Light Pulses with Deep Learning” 2/2021
- BioPhotonics, UCLA researchers create low-cost, AI-powered device to measure optical spectra 2/2021
- Nature Photonics, “Machine learning with light” 1/2021
- Microscopy & Analysis, “'Deep-R' delivers single-shot autofocusing” 1/2021
- Tech Xplore, Diffractive networks improve optical image classification accuracy | 1/2021
- Phys Org, Optical network shapes pulses of light 1/2021
- Photonics Media, “Deep Learning-Designed Network Shapes Light Pulse” 1/2021
- UCLA Newsroom, “37 UCLA scientists among world’s most influential researchers” 11/2020
- Nature Methods, “Smart solutions for automated imaging,” 10/2020
- Photonics Media, “Portable Microscopy Leverages Advancements in Electronics and Computing,” 9/2020
- SPIE News, “What’s in your water?,” 9/2020
- Biophotonics World, “Deep learning enables early detection and classification of live bacteria using holography,” 7/2020
- Nature Photonics, “Machine intelligence lights up imaging,” 4/2020
- SPIE News, “Artificial Intelligence Set to Assist Doctors in Low-resource Settings,” 3/2020
- Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), “Optical System Could Lead to Devices That Can Recognize Objects Instantly,” 3/2020
- Photonics Spectra, “Advancements in Holography Usher In Sci-Fi-Inspired Devices,” 1/2020
- Org, “Paper-based test could diagnose Lyme disease at early stages,” 12/2019
- Photonics Media, “Ozcan Labs, UCLA Publish Method on Machine Learning Using Continuum of Wavelengths,” 12/2019
- Microscopy and Analysis, “Artificial Intelligence converts 2D images into 3D,” 11/2019
- Org, “Researchers convert 2-D images into 3-D using deep learning,” 11/2019
- Daily Bruin, “UCLA researchers develop prototype to more efficiently detect rare cells in blood,” 10/2019
- Org, “AI-based cytometer detects rare cells in blood using magnetic modulation and deep learning,” 10/2019
- Photonics Media, “Lens-Free Microscopy Focuses on Commercialization,” 9/2019
- Science Daily, “Optical neural network could lead to intelligent cameras,” 8/2019
- Laser Focus World, “With new differential detection scheme, all-optical diffractive neural networks get performance boost,” 8/2019
- Photonics Spectra, “Wearable Sensors Challenge Traditional Medical Technology,” 8/2019
- Nature Biomedical Engineering, “Computational staining of unlabelled tissue,” 6/2019
- Voice of America, “Sneezing a Lot? Handheld Allergen Detector Can Help,” 5/2019
- Photonics Media, “Computational Imaging Builds Better Pictures,” 5/2019
- SPIE News, “Mission Possible: Deep neural nets transform diagnostic imaging,” 5/2019
- The New York Academy of Sciences Magazine, “The Cutting Edge: There’s An App For That,” 5/2019
- The Scientist, “Artificial Intelligence Sees More in Microscopy than Humans Do,” 5/2019
- NVIDIA Blog, “Springing into Deep Learning: How AI Could Track Allergens on Every Block,” 5/2019
- Org, “Deep learning merges advantages of holography and bright-field microscopy for 3-D imaging,” 3/2019
- Daily Bruin, “UCLA researchers develop smartphone-based microscope to detect lethal bee parasites,” 2/2019
- Org, “Mobile-phone microscope detects the 'silent killer' of honey bees,” 1/2019
- Org, “Artificial intelligence detects the presence of viruses,” 1/2019
- Microscopy & Analysis, “Artificial intelligence transforms resolution,” 12/2018
- Photonics Media, “Mobile Device Detects Parasitic Infections Quickly Using Holographic Analysis and Deep Learning,” 12/2018
- Org, “Deep learning democratizes nano-scale imaging,” 12/2018
- R&D Magazine, “Detection Device Identifies Parasitic Infections Faster, with More Sensitivity,” 12/2018
- Daily Bruin, “Innovation in microscopes lets UCLA lab make new findings about sperm movement,” 11/2018
- Photonics Spectra, “All-optical diffractive deep neural network is 3D-printed at UCLA,” 10/2018
- Lab Manager, “Improved Air-Quality Sensors and Collaborations Could Save Lives,” 10/2018
- New Atlas, “Portable device gets the drop on toxic algae,” 10/2018
- Daily Bruin, “UCLA researchers developing improved device for detecting dangerous algal blooms,” 9/2018
- Org, “Mobile device could make it easier to predict and control harmful algal blooms,” 9/2018
- com, “3D Printing Aids Development of Mobile Phone-Based Medical Devices,” 9/2018
- The Scientist, “AI Object Recognition System Operates at Speed of Light,” 7/2018
- Discover Magazine, “This AI Calculates at the Speed of Light,” 7/2018
- TechCrunch, “This 3D-printed AI construct analyzes by bending light,” 7/2018
- CNBC, “NOW Diagnostics Acquires CELLMIC Reader Technology,” 7/2018
- ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers), “Breathe Easy with a Better Portable Air Monitor,” 6/2018
- Microscopy & Analysis, “Deep learning accelerates holographic imaging,” 6/2018
- Firehouse Magazine, “Fire Technology: The Future of Wearable Technology,” 6/2018
- Org, “Deep learning extends imaging depth and speeds up hologram reconstruction,” 5/2018
- Photonics Media, “Cellmic Patent Aims to Grow Leti Portfolio,” 5/2018
- Science Daily, “Deep learning transforms smartphone microscopes into laboratory-grade devices,” 4/2018
- Laser Focus World, “Microscopy: Deep learning improves microscopy images-without system adjustments,” 1/2018
- Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), “Smartphone Science,” 1/2018
- Engineering for Change, “A Better Portable Air Quality Monitor,” 12/2017
- Science Discoveries, “Detecting waterborne pathogen using a smartphone-based microscope,” 12/2017
- BioOptics World, “Deep learning method could improve optical microscopy,” 12/2017
- OSA Optics & Photonics News (OPN), “Imaging Dives Into Deep Learning,” 11/2017
- Photonics Media “Holographic Technique Uses Deep Learning to Increase Accuracy, Improve Microscopy,” 11/2017
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) TechNews, “UCLA Engineers Use Deep Learning to Reconstruct Holograms and Improve Optical Microscopy,” 11/2017
- IEEE GlobalSpec, Engineering 360, “Deep Learning for Diagnostic Medicine,” 11/2017
- Microscopy and Analysis, “Neural network boosts optical resolution,” 11/2017
- Org, “Deep learning reconstructs holograms,” 10/2017
- DarkDaily, “UCLA’s Ozcan Labs Develops Portable Smartphone DNA Detection System That Performs as well as Clinical Laboratory Testing,” 10/2017
- BioOptics World, “Holographic microscope tracks sperm motion in 3D,” 9/2017
- The Pathologist, “No Lens, No Problem,” 9/2017
- UCLA Newsroom, “Consortium links experts in engineering, medicine to improve health in underserved communities,” 9/2017
- International Business Times, “UCLA's holographic microscope enables scientists to study spinning head of sperm in 3D,” 9/2017
- The Scientist, “Microscopy Tool Can “See” Through Dense Tissue: Study,” 8/2017
- Org, “Hologram technology could lead to improved diagnoses of chronic diseases in remote areas,” 8/2017
- Microscopy and Analysis, “Breakthrough for smartphone microscopy,” 5/2017
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) TechNews, “Mobile Device Can Accurately and Inexpensively Monitor Air Quality Using Machine Learning,” 5/2017
- Org, “Holographic microscope provides a new tool for nanomedicine to rapidly measure degradation of drug loaded nanoparticles,” 5/2017
- IEEE GlobalSpec, Engineering 360, “Mobile Device Measures Air Quality,” 5/2017
- Org, “Mobile device can accurately and inexpensively monitor air quality using machine learning,” 5/2017
- Nature, “Pocket Laboratories,” 5/2017
- Dark Daily, “UCLA Device Enables Diagnosis of Antimicrobial Resistance in Any Setting,” 4/2017
- The Pathologist, “Mobile Phone Microscopy,” 3/2017
- Clarivate Analytics, “Aydogan Ozcan’s research ‘vision’ helps put UC at the forefront of innovation,” 3/2017
- BioOptics World, “Smartphone method makes DNA biomarker detection portable and low-cost,” 3/2017
- BioOptics World, “Machine learning enhances smartphone attachment for disease detection,” 3/2017
- Org, “Smart mobile tool may be used to diagnose and treat serious diseases,” 2/2017
- OSA Optics & Photonics News (OPN), “Smartphone-Enabled Molecular Diagnostics,” 2/2017
- Newsweek, “Cell phone case detects cancer-related DNA mutations,” 1/2017
- BBC, “DNA-testing smartphone aims to tackle drugs resistance,” 1/2017
- The Scientist, “Next Generation: Mobile Microscope Detects DNA Sequences,” 1/2017
- Popular Science, “This machine lets your smartphone analyze DNA,” 1/2027
- PC Magazine, “Scientists Can Sequence DNA With a Smartphone,” 1/2017
- The Inquirer, “Smartphone-based microscope means DNA sequencing any time, any place, anywhere,” 1/2017
- Gizmodo, “Scientists Can Now Sequence DNA With a Smartphone,” 1/2017
- com, “Smartphone Microscope Images and Detects Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Reactions,” 1/2017
- BioOptics World, “Biophotonics-driven smartphone attachment detects antimicrobial resistance,” 12/2016
- Org, “Researchers combat antimicrobial resistance using smartphones,” 12/2016
- Hurriyet Daily News, “Turkish engineer, inventor at UCLA receives Koç University’s Medal of Science” 12/2016
- United Press International (UPI), “Wearable monitors measure dyes through skin” 9/2016
- BioOptics World, “Wearable microscope can measure fluorescent dyes through skin” 9/2016
- United Press International (UPI), “Technique may quickly detect diseases, cancer with portable device,” 8/2016
- BioOptics World, “Lens-free microscopy platform shows promise for rapid gout diagnosis,” 7/2016
- Lab Manager, “Developments in Computational Imaging Techniques,” 6/2016
- BioOptics World, “Seminal biophotonics device developer Ozcan is named IEEE distinguished lecturer” 5/2016
- Org, “New technique greatly enhances digital microscopy images,” 1/2016
- Gizmodo, “A New Sensor Turns Old Microscopes Into Super-Resolution Devices,” 1/2016
- BioOptics World, “Biophotonics innovator Ozcan wins International Commission for Optics Prize,” 12/2015
- Discover Magazine, “A DNA Analyzer That Fits in Your Pocket,” 11/2015
- Engineering360, “The Lab-on-Chip Revolution: Finding the Right Niche,”10/2015
- Org, “Optics+Photonics2015: Cell phone evolution ‘democratizes’ diagnostic tools,” 8/2015
- BioOptics World, “UCLA mobile diagnostics spinoff Holomic is named World Economic Forum Tech Pioneer,” 8/2015
- BioOptics World, “Smartphone-based ELISA reader performs medical diagnostics at the point of care,” 8/2015
- UCLA Newsroom, “UCLA teams with Korean organization to teach middle school students about global health issues,” 8/2015
- Org, “Researchers create smartphone-based device that reads medical diagnostic tests quickly and accurately,” 7/2015
- CCTV-America (Chinese Central Television), “Game-changing tech for the developing world,” 6/2015
- UCLA Newsroom, “UCLA undergraduates shine at engineering research event,” 6/2015
- TXNOLOGIST, “Light’s Guide: Engineer Coaxes Photons & Smartphones to Reveal Hidden Worlds,” 6/2015
- Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN), “Smartphones Put Medical Diagnostics In Your Hands” 5/2015
- Bioscience Technology, “New Technology Turns Smartphone into a DNA-Scanning Microscope” 5/2015
- Gizmag, “3D-printed attachment turns any smartphone into a DNA-scanning microscope,” 5/2015
- Optical Society (OSA) Newsroom, “A Phone with the Ultimate Macro Feature,” 4/2015
- BioOptics World, “Noninvasive app captures chlorophyll content quickly, cheaply,” 3/2105
- Scientific American, “Google Glass Takes Sharp Look At Plant Health,” 2/2015
- Daily Bruin, “UCLA lab develops Google Glass app for rapid diagnosis of plant health,” 2/2015
- RSC Chemistry World, “Google Glass to monitor plant health,” 2/2015
- Optik & Photonik, “Lens-free Microscope Can Detect Cancer at the Cellular Level,” 2/2015
- Org, “Google Glass app noninvasively analyzes plant health in seconds,” 2/2015
- BioOptics World, “SINGLE-MOLECULE MICROSCOPY/PORTABLE PATHOLOGY: Compact devices compete with high-end instruments” 1/2015
- BioTechniques, “Diagnosis by Hologram,” 1/2015
- Los Angeles Times, “A lens-free microscope that borrows tech from your cellphone,” 12/2014
- The Scientist, “Measuring DNA with a Smartphone,” 12/2014
- Laser Focus World, “From Ozcan's lab at UCLA: a smartphone fluorescence microscope and a lens-free cancer-detecting microscope,” 12/2014
- OSA Optics and Photonics News (OPN), “Viewing a Single DNA Strand with a Smartphone,” 12/2014
- Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN), “Smartphone Microscope Sizes Up Single DNA Molecules,” 12/2014
- IHS Engineering 360, “Your Smart Phone as Medical Lab Instrument” 12/2014
- com, “Lens-Free 3-D Microscope Sharp Enough for Pathology,” 12/2014
- Org, “Engineers detect and measure individual DNA molecules using smartphone microscope,” 12/2014
- The Huffington Post, “A Mobile Health Innovation That Could Help Stop Ebola,” 11/2014
- Nature Photonics - Editorial, “Mobile Science,” 10/2014
- Robb Report, “Phoning in on Food Allergens,” 10/2014
- Cisco Blogs, “Mobile Phone Microscopes for the Developing World,” 8/2014
- Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN), “Nanolenses Help Researchers Pick Out Tiny Objects,” 7/2014
- BioOptics World, “Biophotonics trailblazers drive mobile health,” 7/2014
- BioOptics World, “Biophotonics pioneer Ozcan named 2014 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor” 7/2014
- HHMI, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, “HHMI Puts Top Scientists in the Classroom,” 6/2014
- Fora TV, “Frontier Medicine,” 6/2014
- Smithsonian Magazine, “Inside the Technology That Can Turn Your Smartphone into a Personal Doctor,” 4/2014
- ACS, “Transforming Tech Toys,” 4/2014
- ACS Breakthrough Science, “Using Google Glass to map the future of medical testing,” 4/2014
- ABC 7 News, Google Glass based Diagnostics, 3/2014
- Laser Focus World, LED-based lab-on-a-chip device screens for 170,000 molecules in blood, 3/2014
- Nanowerk, A Google Glass app for instant medical diagnostics, 3/2014
- Red Orbit, New Google Glass App Can Transmit Diagnostic Tests For Analysis, 2/2014
- Chemistry World, Science at your fingertips, 2/2014
- Medical News Today, Could Google Glass be used to predict disease outbreaks?, 2/2014
- Fast Company, Use Your Phone To Find Out If You're Getting Poisoned By Mercury, 2/2014
- CNET News, 'Lab on a phone' detects mercury in water, 2/2014
- Org, Research team develops rapid smartphone-based mercury testing and mapping, 2/2014
- Nature, Phone device detects mercury, 1/2014
- Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN), Smartphone Attachment Detects Ionic Mercury, 1/2014
- Renal & Urology News, New Albumin Self-Testing Platform, 12/2013
- ACS Press Room, Combating Disease: Improved smartphone microscope brings single-virus detection to remote locations, 11/2013
- Nature Nanotechnology, Imaging on the Go, 11/2013
- Scientific American, Smartphone-Based Imaging System Spots Nanoscale Objects, 11/2013
- ASME Podcast, Turning Your Smartphone into a Microscope, 10/2013
- AAAS Science Update, Smartphone Microscope, 10/2013
- NBC News, Turn a smart-phone into a virus-detecting microscope?, 10/2013
- The Wall Street Journal, A Virus on the Camera Roll, 9/2013
- Wired Magazine, Nokia 808 PureView smartphone used to fluorescence image viruses, 9/2103
- Los Angeles Times, Smartphone attachment can photograph nano-scale objects, 9/2013
- The Engineer, Smartphone attachment detects viruses and bacteria, 9/2013
- BioScience Technology, Smartphone 'Microscope' Detects a Single Virus, 9/2103
- Fast Company, Researchers turn a smartphone into a virus-detecting microscope, 9/2013
- Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN), Smart Phones Snap Pictures Of Individual Virus Particles, 9/2013
- Chemistry World, Personal kidney disease monitoring on your phone, 8/2013
- The Engineer, Smartphone albumin detector to make life easier for diabetics, 8/2013
- Laser Focus World, UCLA researchers create small Android/iPhone fluorescence device for common kidney tests, 8/2013
- Photonics Media, Photonics Firm a Finalist in Nokia Sensing Contest, 8/2013
- Lab on a Chip Blog (Royal Society of Chemistry), A new function for your cell-phone: analysing blood at point of care, 7/2013
- Optical Society of America (OSA) Press Release, New Single Virus Detection Techniques for Faster Disease Diagnosis, 5/2013
- The Wall Street Journal, Seeking Creative Solutions to Global Health Problems, 5/2013
- TechNews World, Food Testing for Safe Tasting, 5/2013
- Milken Institute, Bioscience Discoveries That Will Blow Your Mind, 5/2013
- LiveScience, Stunning 3D sperm images reveal new motion, 4/2013
- Org, Cell phone camera photographs microscopic cell samples, 4/2013
- Photonics Spectra, Food allergen worries? There’s an app for that, 3/2013
- Org, UCLA brings malaria diagnosis to the masses, 3/2013
- Wellcome Trust Blog, Crowdsourcing malaria diagnosis with games, 3/2013
- Le Monde, Un imageur optique sans lentille, 2/2013
- Photonics Spectra, Smartphones Move From Social Media to Social Medicine, 1/2013
- IEEE Spectrum, Smartphones as Blood Analyzers and Allergen Testers, 1/2013
- Org, Nano-lens microscopes can detect viruses, other objects at nanoscale, 1/2013
- Photonics Media, The Most Popular Stories of 2012, 1/2013
- AAAS Science Update, Smartphone Allergy Tester, 1/2013
- The Scientist, Sperm Shadows, 1/2013
- NBC News, Peanut allergy? Check that food first with your smartphone 'lab', 12/2012
- New York Daily News, Smart phone device can detect food allergens, 12/2012
- Wired Magazine, The Best Scientific Figures of 2012, 12/2012
- Chemistry World, Worried about food allergens? There's an app for that, 12/2012
- Science Daily, Got Food Allergies? You Can Now Test Your Meal On the Spot Using a Cell Phone, 12/2012
- United Nations Dispatch, When Making Diagnoses Becomes A Game, 12/2012
- Gizmag, Revealed: World Technology Network's innovators of 2012, 10/2012
- Nature News, Light-sensing chip captures sperm on the move, 9/2012
- Science Magazine, As the sperm swims, 9/2012
- National Geographic, Sperm Tracked in 3-D - A First, 9/2012
- National Science Foundation, News and Discoveries, Precision Motion Tracking - Thousands of Cells at a Time, 9/2012
- Popular Science, Sperm Can't Turn Left, Or Don't Want To, 9/2012
- Los Angeles Times, Human sperm seen propelling selves by four different swim strokes, 9/2012
- Discover Magazine, House Calls for the 21st Century: Carrying a Doctor in Your Pocket, 9/2012
- Org, High-resolution microscopy without a lens, 9/2012
- Business Insider, 30 Game Changing Innovations, 8/2012
- Business Insider, A Tiny Microscope That Attaches To A Cell Phone Could Save Lives Around The World, 8/2012
- Drive for Innovation, Impacts of Smart Phone Medicine, 8/2012
- The Science Coalition, Innovators Series, 7/2012
- University of California, Office of the President “Cell phone-based sensor spots dangerous bacteria,” 7/2012
- BioOptics World, “Average Joes challenge medical pros in telepathology game,” 7/2012
- BioTechniques, “Crowdsourcing Microscopic Analysis,” 6/2012
- UCLA Newsroom, “Game on! UCLA researchers use online crowd-sourcing to diagnose malaria,” 5/2012
- PC World, “Crowdsourcing Game Helps Diagnose Infectious Diseases,” 5/2012
- CNET, “Tracking diseases using Google Maps and cell phones,” 5/2012
- Science Daily, “Researchers Combat Global Disease With a Cell Phone, Google Maps and a Lot of Ingenuity” 4/2012
- Popular Science (PopSci), “Scan Your Food For Bacteria With Your Cell Phone” 2/2012
- Science Magazine Podcast, “Engineering Public Health,” 2/2012
- Physics Today, “Microtomography for microfluidics at Photonics West” 1/2012
- NBC Los Angeles, “UCLA Scientist's Cell Phone Microscope Named Top Innovation of 2011,” 1/2012
- The Scientist, “Top Ten Innovations of 2011,” 1/2012
- BBC News, “Portable microscope detects bacteria using holograms”, 9/2011
- Time Magazine, Techland Blog, “A Laser Microscope that Detects E. Coli and Creates Holograms?,” 9/2011
- SPIE Newsroom, “Low-cost cellphone microscope enabled by enhanced processing capabilities”, 9/2011
- Optics & Photonics News (OPN), “Microscopy without lenses,” 9/2011
- Popular Science, “Holographic Microscope Detects Bacteria on the Cheap,” 9/2011
- BioOptics World, “Holograms replace lenses in low-cost, portable, dual-mode microscope,” 8/2011
- Physics Today, “Harnessing consumer mobile devices for science,” 8/2011
- Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN), “A cell phone counts cells,” 7/2011
- Science Daily, “Got Flow Cytometry? All You Need Is Five Bucks and a Cell Phone,” 7/2011
- Telemedicine and E-Health Journal, “Telemicroscopes and Point-of-Care Diagnostics Team Up with Smartphones,” 6/2011
- Com, “How Mobile Phones Are Saving Lives in the Developing World,” 6/2011
- Org, “UCLA team shows lens-free 3D optical tomography” 5/2011
- Medical News Today, “High-Resolution 3-D Images On A Chip Produced By Optical Microscope Without Lenses,” 4/2011
- CNN, “The 'killer app' that could help save lives,” 3/2011
- The Independent (UK), “Smartphone doubles as microscope to test blood, water parasites,” 2/2011
- LiveScience (NSF), “Cell Phone Apps Test for Disease,” 2/2011
- BioPhotonics Magazine, “Not Your Father’s Microscope,” 2/2011
- Popular Mechanics Magazine, “10 Tech Concepts You Need to Know for 2011,” 12/2010
- com, “The Best of 2010: Lensless Microscope Made for Telemedicine” 12/2010
- USA Today, “UCLA develops cell phone microscope,” 12/2010
- National Geographic Magazine, “New Life-Saving Medical Imaging Tool: The Mobile Phone,” 12/2010
- Popular Mechanics Magazine, “Cell-phone Enabled Healthcare,” 10/2010
- UCLA Newsroom, “UCLA lens-free telemedicine microscope adds male fertility testing to its bag of tricks,” 10/2010
- BBC News, “Smart vision for mobile phones in the developing world,” 09/2010
- Voice of America News, “14 Scientists and Activists Who Are Changing the World,” 09/2010
- Bio Photonics Magazine, “Lensless, phone-based imaging addresses global health care needs,” 09/2010
- The Scientist, “Cell+Phone,” 9/2010
- Nature Photonics Research Highlights, “Lens-free imaging,” 7/2010
- BioTechniques, “Outward bound: scientists design high-throughput HIV test for the field,” 8/2010
- Smart Planet, “New in telemedicine: The cell phone microscope”, 7/2010
- IEEE, The Institute Magazine, “Pocket Microscopes”, 7/2010
- Science Daily, “Cell Phone Microscope Poised to Begin Trials in Africa,” 7/2010
- Daily Tech, “New "Lab on a Chip" Device Revolutionizes HIV Testing” 7/2010
- Scientific American, “Tech Team Puts Microscope on Cell Phone,” 6/2010
- MIT’s Technology Review Magazine, “$3 Microscope Plugs into Cell Phones”, 5/2010
- Science and Development Network (SciDevNet), “Tiny microscope eyes the developing world”, 04/2010
- Science Daily, “World’s smallest and lightest telemedicine microscope”, 4/2010
- The New York Times, “Far From a Lab? Turn a Cellphone Into a Microscope”, 11/2009
- CNET News, “How your cell phone can diagnose disease”, 11/2009
- Popular Science (PopSci), “A Software-Powered Cell Phone Microscope That Doesn't Need Special Lenses”, 11/2009
- MIT’s Technology Review Magazine, “Inexpensive chips and sophisticated software could make microscope lenses obsolete”, 09/2009
- UCLA Newsroom covers LUCAS with a video 09/2009 (Watch)
- Earth & Sky Radio Series, Radio Interview on LUCAS, 04/2009 (Listen)
- Vodafone Americas Foundation, Press Release on LUCAS, 04/2009
- Science and Development Network (SciDevNet), “Mobile phone diagnosis approaches field trials”, 04/2009
- Los Angeles Business Journal, “Healthy Future Takes Shape”, 04/2009
- BBC - Science in Action, Radio Interview on LUCAS, 01/2009 (Listen)
- CNN, “Invention turns cell phone into mobile medical lab”, 02/2009
- CBS – Science Channel, Brink Show, Video Interview on LUCAS, 02/2009 (Watch)
- Science Daily, “Health Monitoring with Your Cell Phone”, 12/2008
- Wired Magazine, “Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations”, 12/2008
- Voice of America Interview on LUCAS, 10/2008 (Watch)
- BioOptics World Magazine, “Hologram technology enables monitoring of HIV, malaria, E. coli via cell phone”, 12/2008
- Medical Design Magazine, “Smart counter also identifies cells in sample”, 11/2008
- MIT’s Technology Review Magazine, “Counting cells in seconds”, 10/2008
- com, “Dial-in Diagnosis”, 10/2008
- Science Daily, “Better Health Through Your Cell Phone”, 09/2008
- 2005, Ph.D. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA Electrical Engineering Department
- 2002, M.S. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA Electrical Engineering Department
- 2000, B.S. Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department
Federal Awards & Honors
• Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2011
• Army Research Office (ARO), Young Investigator Award, 2011
• NSF CAREER Award, 2010
• NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, 2009
• Office of Naval Research (ONR), Young Investigator Award, 2009
Professional Society Awards
• Dennis Gabor Award, The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2023
• Joseph Fraunhofer Award & Robert M. Burley Prize, Optica (OSA), 2022
• Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), 2021
• Fellow, American Physical Society (APS), 2019
• Fellow, The National Academy of Inventors (NAI), 2018
• Fellow, The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2018
• Fellow, The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2017
• Fellow, IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017
• Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2017
• Distinguished Lecturer Award, IEEE Photonics Society, 2016
• ICO Prize, The International Commission for Optics (ICO), 2015
• Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2014
• Fellow, The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2013
• Biophotonics Technology Innovator Award, The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2013 {Inaugural Recipient}
• Early Career Achievement Award, The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2011
• IEEE Photonics Society Young Investigator Award, 2009
Foundation Awards & Honors
• Guggenheim Fellow, The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2017
• Rahmi M. Koç Science Medal, Koç University & Vehbi Koç Foundation, 2016 {Inaugural Recipient}
• Ernst Abbe Lecture and Award, Carl Zeiss Foundation, 2016
• Vodafone Americas Foundation, Wireless Innovation Award, 2016
• Mary Kay Foundation, Cancer Research Award, 2016
• National Academy of Engineering (NAE), The Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Award, 2012
• Rockefeller Foundation and mHealth Alliance, Innovators Challenge Winner, 2011
• Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Explorations Award, 2010
• Vodafone Americas Foundation, Wireless Innovation Award, 2009
• Okawa Foundation Award, Japan, 2008
Other Awards & Honors
• Highly Cited Researcher, Web of Science – Clarivate, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
• Researcher of the Year Award, The Southern California Biomedical Council (SoCalBio), 2020
• Blavatnik Awards, National Award Finalist, 2020
• Volgenau Chair for Engineering Innovation, UCLA, 2019
• UCLA Health Innovation, Med-Tech Challenge Winner, 2019
• UCLA Innovation Fund Competition Winner, 2018
• The Stillman Lecture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 2018
• TASSA President’s Service Award, TASSA, 2018
• Turkish Science Academy, Member, 2017
• Biocom Life Science Catalyst Award, 2017
• U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE), EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium – Committee Member, Session Chair, 2016
• U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Arab-American Frontiers of Science Fellowship, 2016
• Blavatnik Awards, National Award Finalist, 2016
• Technology Pioneer, The World Economic Forum, 2015 {Holomic LLC is selected as a Technology Pioneer, among the most promising early-stage companies in the world}
• Postdoctoral Scholars Mentoring Award, UCLA, 2015
• U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium, Invited Speaker, 2015
• The President’s Cancer Panel, The Connected Cancer Patient Workshop, Invited Speaker and Panelist, 2015
• The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Microbiome Workshop, Invited Participant and Panelist, 2015
• NIH Common Fund, Strategic Planning Workshop, Invited Participant and Panelist, 2015
• The Kavli Foundation, Kavli Futures Symposium on Microbiome, Invited Participant and Panelist, 2015
• Microscopy Today Innovation Award, 2015
• Blavatnik Awards, National Award Finalist, 2015
• Best Paper Award, SPIE Translational Research Symposium (Photonics West Conference), 2015
• HHMI Professor, The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), 2014
• National Academy of Engineering (NAE), Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium - Invited Participant, 2014
• Blavatnik Awards, National Award Finalist, 2014
• Chancellor’s Professorship (UCLA), 2013
• Microscopy Today Innovation Award, 2013
• JALA Ten (presented by the Journal of Laboratory Automation), Selected Among 10 Breakthrough Technologies of The Year, 2013
• World Technology Award on Health & Medicine, presented by the World Technology Network in association with TIME, CNN, AAAS, Science, Technology Review, Fortune and Kurzweil, 2012
• Popular Science, Brilliant 10 Award, 2012
• IEEE NANOMED Conference, Best Paper Award, 2012
• The Scientist, Top Innovation of the Year, 2011
• Regional Health Care Innovation Challenge Award, The von Liebig Center, UCSD, 2011
• National Academy of Engineering (NAE), U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium - Invited Participant, 2011
• Innovation Competition Award, World Reconstruction Conference, Geneva, 2011
• Outstanding Young Person of the Year - Medical Innovations, JCI (Junior Chamber International) Turkey, 2011
• LAUNCH Health Innovation Award, presented by NASA, USAID, Department of State, and NIKE, 2010
• National Geographic Emerging Explorer Award, 2010
• Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award, 2010
• Netexplorateur Award, Netexplorateur Observatory and Forum, France, 2010
• PopTech Science and Public Leaders Fellowship, 2010
• University of Southern California - Body Computing Slam Prize, 2010
• MIT’s Technology Review Magazine, TR 35 Award, 2009
• Outstanding paper award, Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), 2008
- Fellow, American Physical Society (APS), 2019
- Fellow, The National Academy of Inventors (NAI), 2018
- Fellow, The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2018
- Fellow, The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2017
- Fellow, IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017
- Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2017
- Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA), 2014
- Fellow, The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), 2013