Arash Naeim
Associate Professor In-Residence, Medicine
Director, The JCCC Informatics
Neria and Manizheh Yomtoubian Endowed Chair in Cancer and Risk Sciences
Investigator, Biomedical Informatics Program of UCLA CTSI
200 UCLA Medical Plaza Suite 120 Los Angeles, California 90095
Email: anaeim@mednet.ucla.eduPhone: (310) 206-6909
Fax: (310) 206-5507
Dr. Naeim is trained in health services research with an emphasis in cost-effectiveness and decision-making in older cancer patients, and his research focuses on aging and cancer. In recent years, Dr. Naeim has been involved in developing informatics in hematology/oncology. He has an interest in how electronic databases and medical records can be used in outcomes research, patient/physician education, and healthcare interventions.
- Geriatric Breast Cancer
- Geriatric Lung Cancer
- Geriatric Prostate Cancer
- Geriatrics
A selected list of publications:
Naeim Arash, Henk Henry J, Becker Laura, Chia Victoria, Badre Sejal, Li Xiaoyan, Deeter Robert Pegfilgrastim prophylaxis is associated with a lower risk of hospitalization of cancer patients than filgrastim prophylaxis: a retrospective United States claims analysis of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF) BMC cancer, 2013; 13: 11.
Lee Christoph I, Naeim Arash Health disparities from future genetic research efforts: breast cancer as a case study Journal of the National Medical Association, 2012; 104(7-8): 390-1.
Lee Christoph I, Bassett Lawrence W, Leng Mei, Maliski Sally L, Pezeshki Bryan B, Wells Colin J, Mangione Carol M, Naeim Arash Patients' willingness to participate in a breast cancer biobank at screening mammogram Breast cancer research and treatment, 2012; 136(3): 899-906.
Droz Jean-Pierre, Balducci Lodovico, Bolla Michel, Emberton Mark, Fitzpatrick John M, Joniau Steven, Kattan Michael W, Monfardini Silvio, Moul Judd W, Naeim Arash, van Poppel Hendrik, Saad Fred, Sternberg Cora N Background for the proposal of SIOG guidelines for the management of prostate cancer in senior adults Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2010; 73(1): 68-91.
Naeim Arash, Cohen Melissa J Chemotherapy in the elderly: further considerations Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.), 2010; 24(1): 91-2.
Corrao Natalie J, Robinson Alan G, Swiernik Michael A, Naeim Arash Importance of testing for usability when selecting and implementing an electronic health or medical record system Journal of oncology practice / American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2010; 6(3): 120-4.
Droz Jean-Pierre, Balducci Lodovico, Bolla Michel, Emberton Mark, Fitzpatrick John M, Joniau Steven, Kattan Michael W, Monfardini Silvio, Moul Judd W, Naeim Arash, van Poppel Hendrik, Saad Fred, Sternberg Cora N Management of prostate cancer in older men: recommendations of a working group of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology BJU international, 2010; 106(4): 462-9.
Naeim Arash, Wong F Lennie, Pal Sumanta K, Hurria Arti Oncologists' recommendations for adjuvant therapy in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer patients of varying age and health status Clinical breast cancer, 2010; 10(2): 136-43.
Cohen Melissa J, Naeim Arash Osteoporosis, fractures, and risk of falls Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.), 2010; 24(8): 752-3.
Sehl Mary E, Satariano William A, Ragland David R, Reuben David B, Naeim Arash Attribution of functional limitation to cancer decreases in the year following breast cancer diagnosis in older patients Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2009; 71(1): 62-9.
Naeim Arash, Keeler Emmett, Bassett Lawrence W, Parikh Jay, Bastani Roshan, Reuben David B Cost-effectiveness of increasing access to mammography through mobile mammography for older women Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2009; 57(2): 285-90.
Amalraj Sunil, Starkweather Chelsea, Nguyen Christopher, Naeim Arash Health literacy, communication, and treatment decision-making in older cancer patients Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.), 2009; 23(4): 369-75.
Naeim Arash, Friedman Lyssa, Whitlock Kimberly B, Pasta David J, Elkin Eric P, Lubeck Deborah P, Viswanathan Hema N, Glaspy John Patterns of care in community-based oncology practices for anemia associated with myelosuppressive chemotherapy Journal of oncology practice / American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2009; 5(5): 236-43.
Hurria Arti, Wong F Lennie, Pal Sumanta, Chung Cathie T, Bhatia Smita, Mortimer Joanne, Somlo George, Hurvitz Sara, Villaluna Doojduen, Naeim Arash Perspectives and attitudes on the use of adjuvant chemotherapy and trastuzumab in older adults with HER-2+ breast cancer: a survey of oncologists The oncologist, 2009; 14(9): 883-90.
Lorenz Karl A, Dy Sydney M, Naeim Arash, Walling Anne M, Sanati Homayoon, Smith Patricia, Shanman Roberta, Roth Carol P, Asch Steven M Quality measures for supportive cancer care: the Cancer Quality-ASSIST Project Journal of pain and symptom management, 2009; 37(6): 943-64.
Dy Sydney M, Lorenz Karl A, Naeim Arash, Sanati Homayoon, Walling Anne, Asch Steven M Evidence-based recommendations for cancer fatigue, anorexia, depression, and dyspnea Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008; 26(23): 3886-95.
Naeim Arash, Dy Sydney M, Lorenz Karl A, Sanati Homayoon, Walling Anne, Asch Steven M Evidence-based recommendations for cancer nausea and vomiting Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008; 26(23): 3903-10.
Walling Anne, Lorenz Karl A, Dy Sydney M, Naeim Arash, Sanati Homayoon, Asch Steven M, Wenger Neil S Evidence-based recommendations for information and care planning in cancer care Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008; 26(23): 3896-902.
Dy Sydney M, Asch Steven M, Naeim Arash, Sanati Homayoon, Walling Anne, Lorenz Karl A Evidence-based standards for cancer pain management Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008; 26(23): 3879-85.
Hurria Arti, Balducci Lodovico, Naeim Arash, Gross Cary, Mohile Supriya, Klepin Heidi, Tew William, Downey Leona, Gajra Ajeet, Owusu Cynthia, Sanati Homayoon, Suh Theodore, Figlin Robert Mentoring junior faculty in geriatric oncology: report from the Cancer and Aging Research Group Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008; 26(19): 3125-7.
Hurria Arti, Wong F Lennie, Villaluna Doojduen, Bhatia Smita, Chung Cathie T, Mortimer Joanne, Hurvitz Sara, Naeim Arash Role of age and health in treatment recommendations for older adults with breast cancer: the perspective of oncologists and primary care providers Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2008; 26(33): 5386-92.
Hurria Arti, Naeim Arash, Elkin Elena, Limaye Sewanti, Grover Anjali, Hudis Clifford, Pearce Carol, Robson Mark Adjuvant treatment recommendations in older women with breast cancer: a survey of oncologists Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2007; 61(3): 255-60.
Naeim Arash, Keeler Emmett B, Reuben David Perceived causes of disability added prognostic value beyond medical conditions and functional status Journal of clinical epidemiology, 2007; 60(1): 79-85.
Naeim Arash, Sawhney Rishi, MacLean Catherine H, Sanati Homayoon Quality indicators for the care of breast cancer in vulnerable elders Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2007; 55 Suppl 2(19): S258-69.
Naeim Arash, Hurria Arti, Leake Barbara, Maly Rose C Do age and ethnicity predict breast cancer treatment received? A cross-sectional urban population based study. Breast cancer treatment: age and ethnicity Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2006; 59(3): 234-42.
Naeim Arash, Keeler Emmett B, Gutierrez Peter R, Wilson M Roy, Reuben David, Mangione Carol M Is cataract surgery cost-effective among older patients with a low predicted probability for improvement in reported visual functioning? Medical care, 2006; 44(11): 982-9.
Naeim Arash, Keeler Emmett B Is adjuvant therapy for older patients with node (+) early breast cancer cost-effective? Breast cancer research and treatment, 2005; 94(2): 95-103.
Naeim Arash, Keeler Emmett B Is adjuvant therapy for older patients with node (-) early breast cancer cost-effective? Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2005; 53(1): 81-9.
Naeim Arash, Keeler Emmett B, Mangione Carol M Options for handling missing data in the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 2005; 25(2): 186-98.
Sawhney Rishi, Sehl Mary, Naeim Arash Physiologic aspects of aging: impact on cancer management and decision making, part I Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.), 2005; 11(6): 449-60.
Sehl Mary, Sawhney Rishi, Naeim Arash Physiologic aspects of aging: impact on cancer management and decision making, part II Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.), 2005; 11(6): 461-73.
Reuben David B, Naeim Arash Perspectives, preferences, care practices, and outcomes in late-stage cancer patients: connecting the dots Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2004; 22(24): 4869-71.
Uhrhammer N, Lange E, Porras O, Naeim A, Chen X, Sheikhavandi S, Chiplunkar S, Yang L, Dandekar S, Liang T Sublocalization of an ataxia-telangiectasia gene distal to D11S384 by ancestral haplotyping in Costa Rican families American journal of human genetics, 1995; 57(1): 103-11.
Naeim A, Repinski C, Huo Y, Hong J H, Chessa L, Naeim F, Gatti R A Ataxia-telangiectasia: flow cytometric cell-cycle analysis of lymphoblastoid cell lines in G2/M before and after gamma-irradiation Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc, 1994; 7(5): 587-92.
M.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1990 - 1995
Ph.D., RAND Graduate School, 1996 - 2002
B.S., University of California, Los Angeles, 1986 - 1990
1998 - 2002 UCLA School of Medicine
1997 - 1998 UCLA School of Medicine
1995 - 1996 UCLA School of Medicine
1996 - 1997 UCLA School of Medicine
2004 American Board of Internal Medicine
2000 American Board of Internal Medicine
1998 American Board of Internal Medicine