Abeer Alwan
66-147G Engr. IV
Email: alwan@ee.ucla.eduPhone: (310) 206-2231
Digital speech processing, noise robust speech recognition, models of speech production and perception
- T. Drugman, P. Alku, A. Alwan, B. Yegnanarayana, “Glottal Source Processing: from Analysis to Applications,” Computer Speech and Language, Special Issue on Glottal Source Processing, to appear in 2015
- H. Arsikere, S. M. Lulich, and A. Alwan, “Estimating Speaker Height and Sublottal Resonances Using MFCCs and GMMs,” IEEE Signal and Processing Letters, Vol 21, Issue 2, pp. 159-162, 2013
- L. N. Tan, and A. Alwan, “Multi-Band Summary Correlogram-based Pitch Detection for Noisy Speech,” Speech Communication, Volume 55, Issues 7-8, September 2013, pp.841-856
- H. Arsikere, G. K. F. Leung, S. M. Lulich, and A. Alwan, “Automatic estimation of the first threesubglottal resonances from adults’ speech signals with application to speaker height estimation,” Speech Communication, Vol.55, pp.51-70, 2013
- J. V. Hout and A. Alwan, “A Novel Approach to Soft-Mask Estimation and Log-Spectral Enhancement For Robust Speech Recognition,” ICASSP 2012, pp.4105-4108
- W. Chu and A. Alwan, “SAFE: A Statistical Approach to F0 Estimation under Clean and Noisy Conditions,” IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 20, No. 3, pp. 9330944, March 2012
- B. J. Borgstrom and A. Alwan, “A Unified Framework for Designing Optimal STSA Estimators Assuming Additive Superposition of Speech and Noise,” IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 2579 – 2590, Nov. 2011
- S. Panchapagesan and A. Always, “A study of acoustic-to-articulatory inversion of speech by analysis-by-synthesis using chain matrices and the Maeda articulatory model,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 129, Issu 4, pp. 2144-2162, 2011.
- B.J. Borgstrom and A. Alwan, “HMM-Based Reconstruction of Unreliable Spectrographic Data for Noise Robust Speech Recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 18, No. 5, July 2010
- 2016-2019, Elected Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governers
- 2016, Distinguished Engineering Educator Award, Engineer’s Council
- 2015-2018, Elected Member, Intl. Speech Assoc. Soc. (ISCA) Advisory Board
- 2012, Distinguished Lecturer, Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association
- 2011-2015, Member and Vice Chair, IEEE Awards Board Review Committee
- 2011, Fellow, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
- 2009-2011, ISCA Distinguished Lecturer
- 2008, Fellow, IEEE Signal Processing Society
- 2008, Keynote Speaker, Interspeech, Australia
- 2008-2010, Chair, IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Signal Processing Award Committee
- 2006, Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
- 2003, Fellow, Acoustical Society of America
- 1997, Okawa Foundation Award in Telecommunications
- 1995, NSF Career Development Award
- 1994, UCLA-TRW Excellence in Teaching Award
- 1994, NIH FIRST Career Development Award
- 1993, NSF Research Initiation Award, 1993-1996