Two UCLA Engineering Professors Receive 2021 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award

Professor Laurent Pilon (left) and adjunct professor Wilbur “Webb” Marner (right)

The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of heat transfer through teaching, research, practice and design or a combination of such activities. One recipient is selected every year in each of the following heat transfer categories: science, art and the general subject of heat transfer.

Pilon leads the Morrin-Martinelli-Gier Memorial Heat Transfer Laboratory at UCLA. The lab researches radiation transfer, thermal sciences and transport phenomena in a wide range of energy applications, including energy storage systems, materials for energy efficient buildings and processes for photobiological production of molecules and materials.
An ASME fellow and a member of the Scientific Council of the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer, Pilon has also received several other prestigious awards, including a 2005 CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation and a 2008 ASME Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer.

Since 1991, Marner has taught thermal science and system design courses at UCLA. Previously, he worked at Heat Transfer Research, Inc. and Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he focused on energy-related research and development.
Marner has authored or co-authored more than 60 archival papers and technical reports and is a co-inventor of two patents. In 2019, Marner received ASME’s emeritus membership certification in recognition of his contributions to the organization for more than 50 years in numerous capacities.
The award presentation will take place from Nov. 1 to Nov. 5 at the Heat Transfer Award Meeting during the 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition virtual conference.