Those who wish to support The Klug Family Support Fund can visit the website and make a contribution for Professor Klug’s wife, Mary Elise, and their two children, 7 and 9.
“Over the past few days, we have heard from countless faculty, students, staff and members of the community wanting to do something for the Klug family, to show their tremendous admiration and respect for a faculty member who inspired and was loved by so many,” Chancellor Gene Block said. “We hope this effort provides support and comfort to Professor Klug’s family at this very difficult time.”
“Bill Klug was revered by his UCLA Engineering colleagues and by students, and his career was on a very bright trajectory,” said UCLA Engineering Dean Jayathi Murthy. “Our loss is very significant, but his family’s loss is infinitely greater. We want to do everything we can to honor Bill’s life and legacy.”
Donations to The Klug Family Support Fund will go directly to Klug’s immediate family.