In India, Mata Amritanandamayi Center’s Amrita University and the Government of India will be part of the effort to capitalize on the synergy between the United States and India in higher education and research. International corporations Microsoft, Qualcomm, and Cadence also will be part of the network.
The program will allow US universities to appoint faculty to teach and guide research at hundreds of colleges and universities in India via Amrita’s E-learning setup and India’s educational satellite link-up called “EDUSAT.” The program will include advanced technology areas such as engineering and computer science, IT, materials science, bio and nanotechnology, health sciences, management sciences, media and other areas, and also will introduce U.S. faculty to potential research partnerships in India.
Other U.S. universities signing the agreement include Princeton, Purdue, Yale, Georgia Tech, Universities of Massachusetts-Amherst, Washington, Texas-Austin, Illinois-Urbana Champaign, Wisconsin-Madison, North Dakota, Maryland, Michigan and the University of California Santa Cruz.