Engineer Change.
Sustainable and Resilient Urban Systems
How do we save the planet for future generations? We can start by bringing potable water to areas that desperately need it. We can design new building materials that drastically reduce CO2 emissions. We can lead development of the Smart Grid to better incorporate renewable sources into the nation’s power system. These and many other research areas are being pursued by the engineers at UCLA Samueli.
UCLA’s Sustainable LA Grand Challenge sets the tone across campus, and our students take up the call to action. Together we seek to solve critical challenges like improving renewable energy harvesting, more accurately forecasting global water supplies, and training our graduate students in devising integrated urban solutions for food, energy and water systems.
If you want to design a better world for all, UCLA Samueli is a great place to start.

Click on the links below to visit some of our labs.
Improving the resilience of urban regions to natural disasters
Director: Henry Burton, Englekirk Presidential Endowed Chair in Structural Engineering, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering
Director: Henry Burton, Englekirk Presidential Endowed Chair in Structural Engineering, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering
Research in structural engineering, earthquake engineering, engineering seismology.
Director: Yousef Bozorgnia, professor of civil and environmental engineering
Director: Yousef Bozorgnia, professor of civil and environmental engineering
Research to improve the understanding of subsurface processes that affect soil and water quality.
Director: Sanjay Mohanty, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering
Director: Sanjay Mohanty, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering
Integrating field, experimental, and geochemical modeling work to understand the environmental fate and transport of microbial and chemical pollution and nutrients.
Director: Jenny Jay, professor of civil and environmental engineering
Director: Jenny Jay, professor of civil and environmental engineering
The mission of the Water Technology Research Center (WaTeR) is to advance technologies of water production in order to develop new and economical alternative sources of potable, irrigation, and consumptive water uses. The center’s activities include science-based innovation, technology evaluation, advanced education, and rapid information dissemination.
Director: Yoram Cohen, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering
Director: Yoram Cohen, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering
SMERC demonstrates advanced wireless/communications and internet and sense-and-control technologies to enable the development of the next generation of the electric utility grid – The Smart Grid.
Director: Rajit Gadh, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Director: Rajit Gadh, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Developing and designing of sustainable low-carbon dioxide foot-print materials for infrastructure construction applications.
Director: Gaurav Sant, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
Director: Gaurav Sant, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
Conducts research in surface hydrology and hydrometeorology.
Director: Steve Margulis, professor of civil and environmental engineering
Director: Steve Margulis, professor of civil and environmental engineering
Research on evolving coastal hazards from climate change and urbanization using numerical modeling and high resolution field observations.
Director: Timu Gallien, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering
Director: Timu Gallien, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering
Research in microbial interactions with chemical contaminants and nanoparticles for applications ranging from ecotoxicology to biodegradation to disinfection.
Director: Shaily Mahendra, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
Director: Shaily Mahendra, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
Interdisciplinary research projects at the intersection between transport and interfacial phenomena, material science, and biology for sustainable energy conversion, storage, and efficiency technologies.
Director: Laurent Pilon, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
Director: Laurent Pilon, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
Investigating advanced designs for improving capture and storage of energy generated from renewable sources.
Director: Richard Wirz, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
Director: Richard Wirz, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
Research in the development and testing of innovative water treatment technologies
Director: David Jassby, associate professor of
Director: David Jassby, associate professor of