Jenn-Ming Yang
Associate Dean, International Initiatives and Online Programs
At UCLA his major research interests are in processing and mechanical characterization of light weight metallic and composites for structural applications. This is primarily focused on investigating the fundamental problems related to processing, microstructure and behavior of metallic and composites for advanced aerospace structural and ground transportation applications.
These efforts are to create a science base in quantitative relations between the microstructural parameters and macroscopic mechanical response of high temperature metallic and composites. Such relationships would permit dependable engineering of composite structural components for safe and reliable service at elevated temperatures. Currently, Yang’s group is conducting experimental and theoretical work to study the processing, deformation and fracture of ultra-lightweight structural nanocomposites and nanostructured metallic materials.
Yang’s group is also conducting experimental work to study the nanomechanical behavior of nanostructured metallic and ceramic materials. This includes conducting nanomechanical testing of various advanced materials inside a scanning and transmission electron microscope to elucidate the deformation mechanisms and damage accumulation.
Yang currently supervises six Ph.D. and three M.S. students. He also collaborates with several aircraft engine companies in the United States and Europe. His work has resulted in more than 200 publications in journals and proceedings. Yang has received the National Science Foundation Foundation’s Presidential Young Investigator Award, Alcoa Foundation Award, the Ford Foundation Award, and R&D 100 Award.