Happy New Year and hang on to your party hats—this year is one for celebration!
Beginning in May, the UCLA community will come together to commemorate
our university’s 100th anniversary, a celebration that will continue
through June 2020. In addition, UCLA Samueli will be busy marking 50
years since Professor Leonard Kleinrock’s team sent the first message
over the Arpanet from 3420 Boelter Hall to Stanford Research Institute
on Oct. 29, 1969, giving birth to what would become today’s internet.
ENGINEER CHANGE In vibrant Los Angeles, one of the world’s leading economic engines, our students and faculty
don’t lose a second turning their tech innovation into market reality.
Most recently, Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Aydin
Babakhani teamed up with a local aviation company to field test his terahertz-band communication technology.
We’re learning from nature Research co-led by Prof. Yu Huang
provides engineers new design rules. “It appears nature does find its
way to minimize energy consumption and to work wonders.” — Prof. Huang
We’re teaching AI how to see A new AI system developed by Prof. Vwani Roychowdhury mimics how humans visualize and identify objects.