University of California, Los Angeles
January 31 – February 4, 2022

Yajie Lee
Yajie is the Director of ImageCat’s catastrophe model development and earthquake risk services. He has over 25 years of experience in developing probabilistic seismic risk assessment methodologies and analytical frameworks that support the integration of seismic hazard models, financial models, and a host of vulnerability models for insurance, investment, and infrastructure risk management decisions. He developed the Robust Simulation approach, where the complex uncertainty is comprehensively represented and characterized in risk outcomes for more robust decision-making. Recently he led the development of the technical approach for conducting comprehensive probabilistic seismic risk assessments of the underground water pipeline networks of the City of Los Angeles from ground shaking and seismic-induced ground failure, including soil liquefaction, rupture surface displacement, and landslide. His interests also involve the development of best practices and metrics for conducting engineered building portfolio seismic risk studies and the use of physics-based earthquake simulations in risk assessments for spatially distributed infrastructure. Prior to joining ImageCat in 2011, he was Project Manager and the lead earthquake loss model developer with the URS Corporation (now AECOM) for 11 years. He received his B.S. (1991) in Geophysics from the University of Science and Technology of China and Master’s Degrees (1999) in Geophysics and Computer Sciences from the University of Nevada, Reno.