University of California, Los Angeles
January 31 – February 4, 2022

Kishor S. Jaiswal
As a Chief of Engineering & Risk Project at Geologic Hazards Science Center, Dr. Jaiswal leads the development of earthquake risk related products for buildings and critical infrastructure. Dr. Jaiswal is the Principal Investigator of 2017 FEMA P-366 study that produced annualized earthquake loss estimates for the United States. Dr. Jaiswal has also contributed to the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) development efforts by participating in and contributing to number of GEM’s earthquake risk-related projects. Dr. Jaiswal serves on Editorial Board of Earthquake Spectra Journal and is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the state of Colorado. He is a recipient of numerous awards and recognition throughout his career, including 2014 EERI Housner Fellowship, inaugural recipient of 2012 Global Earthquake Model (GEM)’s Outstanding Contribution Award, and the Earthquake Spectra Outstanding Journal Paper Award. Dr. Jaiswal has authored and co-authored more than 150 professional peer reviewed publications that include journal papers, USGS publication series, conference papers, and published abstracts over the last 15 years of his professional career.