University of California, Los Angeles
February 7—1 0, 2021

Jeff Bachhuber
Mr. Bachhuber has over 35 years experience as a consulting and managing geologist focusing on geohazard evaluations and mitigation. He has significant international experience in private consultancy, research, humanitarian assistance, and training activities. He develops and manages programsfor risk evaluation of energy supply andlifeline systems including nuclear and hydropower generation, and gas and electrictransmission and distribution systems. A key aspect of his work includes support and integration of research through a wide network of collaborating academic and government institutions and development of broad teams of topical experts to solve challenging problems. Mr. Bachhuber is active in various industry working groups and is an international geohazard researcher with NSF, USGS, and UNDP-funded hazard studies inTurkey, Puerto Rico, Haiti, New Zealand and the western US.
Since 2016 Mr. Bachhuber has served asDirector of Geosciences for the Pacific Gas & Electric company in San Francisco managing an expert geoscience team focused on directing and expanding application of geoscience research and technology developments for company risk reduction. He also is an Advisory Panel member of the NSF GEER organization and an Industry Advisor for the PEER.
M.S. Engineering Geology, SJSU 1990
California Certified Engineering Geologist #1534
Professional Geologist #4909