University of California, Los Angeles
February 7—1 0, 2021

Fred Grant
Frederick F. Grant, Associate Principle, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
Fred F. Grant is an Associate Principal at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger. He has fifteen years of experience in natural hazards risk and resilience analysis of infrastructure, with a particular focus on electric power generation facilities.His work involves seismic probabilistic risk assessments, seismic fragility analysis, seismic margin assessments, experience-based seismic qualification methods, walk down of existing facilities, probabilistic seismic response analysis of structures, analysis of damage indicating ground motion parameters, post-earthquake damage surveys, and high winds fragility analysis. His work also involves design and analysis for transportation infrastructure and buried pipeline condition assessment, repair, and non-destructive testing.Mr. Grant is a member of the ASCEInfrastructure resilience Division and the Lifelines 2021-22 Conference Technical Committee