University of California, Los Angeles
January 31 – February 4, 2022

Anshel Schiff
Professor of Engineering Sciences at Purdue University from 1952 until retirement from Purdue in 2000, followed by 12 years as Consulting Professor of Civil Engineering at Stanford University. A member of Senior Seismic Review Advisory Panel, Seismic Qualification Users Group – Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 1983-1992, I served on the IEEE 693 Standards Working Group, “IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations” committee shortly after it was formed in 1992 and continue to serve on that committee. My first post-earthquake investigation was after the San Fernando Earthquake in 1971. After the creation of TCLEE, I became active in this organization and served as chair of the Power and Communications Committee; chair of the Earthquake Investigations Committee from 1986-1993; and chair of EXCOM 1991-1992. I edited the TCLEE Guide to Post-Earthquake Investigation of Lifelines (1991 and 1997 editions) published by TCLEE. I have participated in about 30 post-earthquake investigations. I instituted what is now called the Substation Seismic Studies Group under the Electric Power Research Institute and served as its research director.